05-12-2019 02:27 PM
I just called-in to report this bug, but I also wanted to post it here as well to let other Sellers know about it.
I usually post a listing using the eBay app on Android. Create the listing, upload images, etc. I rarely use a desktop unless I want to do something like if after X days I want to lower the price.
Issue: I have had listings renew after their first 30-day cycle and those listings have their shipping set to a certain policy. Say the shipping cost is C$30 to USA and Canada.
When I revise that listing that has auto-renewed on desktop, if you look under shipping policy while revising, the dropdown has changed to another policy (say C$20 shipping).
If you didn't notice the dropdown change, you could potentially revise your listing to whatever the dropdown shows and end up costing yourself money on the wrong shipping values.
I'm not sure if it is reading some default value and changing the policy based on it. And I am unsure if this applies only to items that renew after 30 days, or if it is items that are first listed using the app which are renewed.
05-12-2019 07:57 PM
That is why I always say that eBay really "hack" into our listings. eBay really leave our listings alone, never mind if they think we make any mistakes, it is ours!!!
05-13-2019 03:13 AM
05-13-2019 01:41 PM
So there is a workaround, checking the renewed listings on a desktop, but has this glitch been reported to eBay? I think I saw something about it earlier last week?
05-13-2019 03:23 PM
Thanks for the tag @femmefan1946 - I've seen related rumblings, but nothing exactly like this.
@wecango88 - would you mind getting me either a screenshot or two of what you're seeing or an item number example?
05-13-2019 09:08 PM