Canada Post Expedited USA - size/weight change? Shipping cost cannot be calculated

I sell to Canada and USA only.  Today (Apr. 25/17) I noticed that the shipping calculator no longer provides a cost estimate for ALL of my 1KG ++ (calculated) listings that were set up to ship to the USA via Canada Post Expedited USA.  Instead I get "shipping cost cannot be calculated". My husband also sells on eBay (he uses Policies and I don't) and his 1KG++ listings are ALL showing the same message.  I do not believe this is a box measurement issue - they are all large (ie: 31/31/17).  Some of these listings have existed for several months, I only noticed the problem today so I don't know when it started.  Did I miss an announced change????


I called eBay, they had me click on the "Calculate" under 1 of my problem listings, and from there Canada Post Expedited USA was not one of the options for shipping a 2-3KG parcel in a 31/31/17 box.  Essentially I was told that it would have to ship Xpress Post because Canada Post has changed the Expedited service.  Please tell me it isn't so!!!


Before I call Canada Post to follow-up, I thought I would try here first.  Any information you could provide would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!




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Canada Post Expedited USA - size/weight change? Shipping cost cannot be calculated

I have it too.  Must be something with Canada Post, it started late yesterday and anything over "small package" won't calculate for any international shipping.

I don't think there is anything wrong with our listings.  I even picked other Canadian sellers items and made it look like my location was in the US and it does the same thing.

I would say that makes it something wrong with the link between Canada Post and EBAY.

Hope it gets fixed soon, it is a bit of a turn off for our International customers when we say we will ship but then they have to ask us anyway.

Message 21 of 35
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Canada Post Expedited USA - size/weight change? Shipping cost cannot be calculated

I have more than a thousand listings that are affected, now showing only Xpresspost USA or Xpresspost International as the single shipping service available. That will be a tough sell to any buyer outside Canada. I'm basically on stand-by until ebay gets this fixed. The alternative is to revise 1,000+ listings to changed Tracked Packet to Small Packets with a $30.00 handling fee. I don't even want to go there. 

Message 22 of 35
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Canada Post Expedited USA - size/weight change? Shipping cost cannot be calculated

Just checked a couple of my listings and calculated appears to be working again and displaying the over the counter rates for tracked packet and expedited parcel.


Although I see I am going to have to adjust some listings since I thought Japan was a tracked packet destination.



Message 23 of 35
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Canada Post Expedited USA - size/weight change? Shipping cost cannot be calculated

Japan, no. South Korea, Hong Kong and Malaysia, yes.
Message 24 of 35
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Canada Post Expedited USA - size/weight change? Shipping cost cannot be calculated

Good morning everyone - all of my (and also my husband's) Expedited USA and TP USA are working normally.  For me the problem appears to have been resolved.  I hope that those of you selling beyond Canada/USA and are still having issues will have yours resolved soon too.  Thank you all for your contribution, I appreciate having you to come to.  I'll leave the post opened until everyone is back up 100%. 

Message 25 of 35
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Canada Post Expedited USA - size/weight change? Shipping cost cannot be calculated

It was nice to wake up to hear that the issue was fixed. I double-checked my listings just to be safe, and all costs are showing as they should.
Message 26 of 35
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Canada Post Expedited USA - size/weight change? Shipping cost cannot be calculated

How did you get it fix i do have some of my ad does not work ship calculator us or inter


what is the solution PLEASE

Message 27 of 35
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Canada Post Expedited USA - size/weight change? Shipping cost cannot be calculated


ZOMBIE THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Message 28 of 35
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Canada Post Expedited USA - size/weight change? Shipping cost cannot be calculated

Thank  it do help me a lot

Message 29 of 35
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Canada Post Expedited USA - size/weight change? Shipping cost cannot be calculated

How did you get it fix i do have some of my ad does not work ship calculator us or inter

what is the solution PLEASE
Message 30 of 35
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Canada Post Expedited USA - size/weight change? Shipping cost cannot be calculated

Can you do a screenshot of how you have your shipping set-up in your listing form? That would be the starting point for most of us who could help; we need more information in order to troubleshoot. With USA destinations coming back as an error, most often it is incompatible postal service-to-destination to blame, or mismatched weight- or dimensions-to-services selected.

Message 31 of 35
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Canada Post Expedited USA - size/weight change? Shipping cost cannot be calculated

Looking at


It shows shipping for Canada correctly. However giving 3 different methods is probably not needed.

I hope you use Expedited parcel instead of Regular parcel -- same price, but Expedited is slightly faster and includes a delivery time guarantee or cost of shipping refunded. If you buy the label online (via Shippo) eBay provides an additional discount. The Canada Post free Solutions for Small Business membership is required for Expedited parcel in Canada.


USA and International shipping costs are not showing for that listing.

What Canada Post services have you selected for the USA and which services for the rest of the world?


For USA you can use Tracked packet USA if the weight is under 1kg. Or you can use Expedited Parcel USA.


Message 32 of 35
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Canada Post Expedited USA - size/weight change? Shipping cost cannot be calculated

See Included 1 of my item   + 2 poste canada confirmation


all of my listing i do have to do double verification before leaving them for sles but NOW many have change without me changing anything







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Canada Post Expedited USA - size/weight change? Shipping cost cannot be calculated

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Canada Post Expedited USA - size/weight change? Shipping cost cannot be calculated

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