Default shipping profile is different from the shipping option in the listings

Community Member

Hello all,

I created a shipping profile for the following to the USA:

Canada Post Small Packets USA Air

Canada Post Tracked Packet USA

But beside my  listings, it shows:

Canada Post Expedited Parcel - US

Canada Post Tracked Packet USA


Wondering why Expedited replaced Small Packets USA Air which

is in my shipping profile. 


I only offer Expedited to Canada.

Thanks so much 😊

Message 1 of 19
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Re: Default shipping profile is different from the shipping option in the listings


Is the packaging size you have in your listing oversized for the service?


Message 2 of 19
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Re: Default shipping profile is different from the shipping option in the listings

No oversized items

Message 3 of 19
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Re: Default shipping profile is different from the shipping option in the listings

Not sure if you changed it in your Business Policies under shipping but if you go to Shipping Policies it should show any policies you've set up plus which one is "Default", you can make changes in there and any one of them your default. Note that if you did do it this way it should also ask "Apply to all existing listings?" and make sure you check this part off too.

As sparx has mentioned the only other reason I've see Expedited Parcel when I've wanted to use Tracked Packet, is when it's over certain size and weight - I know for myself I've discovered it if length is 40 cm or over or weight is over 2 kilogram.

Message 4 of 19
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Re: Default shipping profile is different from the shipping option in the listings

@msau4301 wrote:

Not sure if you changed it in your Business Policies under shipping but if you go to Shipping Policies it should show any policies you've set up plus which one is "Default", you can make changes in there and any one of them your default. Note that if you did do it this way it should also ask "Apply to all existing listings?" and make sure you check this part off too.

As sparx has mentioned the only other reason I've see Expedited Parcel when I've wanted to use Tracked Packet, is when it's over certain size and weight - I know for myself I've discovered it if length is 40 cm or over or weight is over 2 kilogram.




When the new apply discounted rates kicked in, eBay started to automatically create policies for sellers. Any of my listings that were recently created(last 7 days) have "a" policy attached. It does make editing listings after the fact a bit more time consuming. Personally I have never used policies because I consider each listing unique. Ergo the user name. Lotz speak for being flexible.




Update. Per ebay change "0" policies. Yesterday I had 4. Just checked now up to 9.

Message 5 of 19
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Re: Default shipping profile is different from the shipping option in the listings


I have never heard of eBay changing a service like that but I wonder if they are doing that to promote tracked packet USA as tracked packet is very inexpensive until Christmas.    
I don't even see small packets USA as an option when printing an eBay label right now.


If you use eBay labels and want to pass the TP price on to your customers, go to account / shipping preferences/ shipping discount settings / edit /   and check off eBay shipping discounts.   Tracket packet between 1 and 250 grams is under $10.  If you do check off ebay discounts, I think it will show the discount on all CP services but I have't checked that.

Message 6 of 19
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Re: Default shipping profile is different from the shipping option in the listings

lotz i better check mine!

Message 7 of 19
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Re: Default shipping profile is different from the shipping option in the listings

@msau4301 wrote:

lotz i better check mine!



Now 10 for me that apply to maybe 15 listings total. Unsure how much overlap is in play or if they are creating policies basically willy sally nilly and attacking attaching them to newly created/edited listings. I'm leaning towards yes on the above.



Message 8 of 19
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Re: Default shipping profile is different from the shipping option in the listings

I checked and mine were all normal (nothing added, nothing changed) BUT I haven't done up any new ones yet, that's where I'll stay on the lookout. Thanks for the heads up just in case! Might explain why there have been a lot of shipping questions here the last couple of days.

Message 9 of 19
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Re: Default shipping profile is different from the shipping option in the listings

msau4301 Note that if you did do it this way it should also ask "Apply to all existing listings?" and make sure you check this part off too.

Very helpful tip, thanks so much 👍

Message 10 of 19
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Re: Default shipping profile is different from the shipping option in the listings


"Psssssst @katoro-4 ...I urge you to listen to @msau4301 regarding the importance of Business Policies...especially regarding any overlap or conflict."


Recently, my hand was forced into an audit and consolidation of my own Business Policies, and what an eye-opener. I discovered over 100 policies unaligned with any current payment, shipping, and returns practices, and even many of those still valid remained unapplied to over 1/3 of my active listings...apparently leaving those listings wihout a valid shipping option.


Admittedly, cleaning all of that up was a bit of slog, but I now have 9 bullet-proof Business Policies with no orphaned listings. Going forward any mismatch will become noticeable at a glance, and I will be checking those Business Policies regularly.


Message 11 of 19
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Re: Default shipping profile is different from the shipping option in the listings

I'm so glad the shipping policy clean up worked for you and you have 9 bullet proof policies, awesome! Glad to have helped! 🙂

Message 12 of 19
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Re: Default shipping profile is different from the shipping option in the listings

The apparent benefit was almost immediate @msau4301 . Less than 3 hours after my deep audit and cleanup of Business Policies, I had a sale to the U.S...after a couple of weeks of being totally AWOL.


Of course, that timing could have been a coincidence, but with all of the posts around here lately about Buyers unable to complete sales for one weird reason or another, I am taking no chances, and will be watching those durn Business Policies like a hawk.


Again thanks...

Message 13 of 19
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Re: Default shipping profile is different from the shipping option in the listings

@doc_scribe wrote:


"Psssssst @katoro-4 ...I urge you to listen to @msau4301 regarding the importance of Business Policies...especially regarding any overlap or conflict."


Recently, my hand was forced into an audit and consolidation of my own Business Policies, and what an eye-opener. I discovered over 100 policies unaligned with any current payment, shipping, and returns practices, and even many of those still valid remained unapplied to over 1/3 of my active listings...apparently leaving those listings wihout a valid shipping option.


Admittedly, cleaning all of that up was a bit of slog, but I now have 9 bullet-proof Business Policies with no orphaned listings. Going forward any mismatch will become noticeable at a glance, and I will be checking those Business Policies regularly.






After doing some trial and error I was able to opt out of business profiles. Business policies were only creating when I was attempting a new listing, the discounted rates (level 4) were not visible/applying immediately. On older listings the discount was showing. Unsure if there is a delay to it applying. From a personal perspective if the feature is turned on it should happen automatically. 


This may not work for you. Only a suggestion/observation. In my situation it is too cumbersome to create and edit all the possible policies generated in years of listing.



Message 14 of 19
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Re: Default shipping profile is different from the shipping option in the listings

Good points, thanks

Message 15 of 19
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Re: Default shipping profile is different from the shipping option in the listings

There does seem to be a delay for sure, it had me worried the whole time. I kept checking back and there was nothing there. But by the next morning, it suddenly showed up.

Message 16 of 19
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Re: Default shipping profile is different from the shipping option in the listings


Does your Manage Business Policies stack include any legacy shipping policies with that Level 4 shipping discount already correctly configured? If so, I would at least update a few core policies and save them for future use, even if you do not immediately use them...just in case Relists and Sell Similar suddenly stop auto-porting/supporting all shipping overrides from legacy listings.

Message 17 of 19
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Re: Default shipping profile is different from the shipping option in the listings

@doc_scribe wrote:


Does your Manage Business Policies stack include any legacy shipping policies with that Level 4 shipping discount already correctly configured? If so, I would at least update a few core policies and save them for future use, even if you do not immediately use them...just in case Relists and Sell Similar suddenly stop auto-porting/supporting all shipping overrides from legacy listings.


I was mostly nervous about amending a new policy and the older listings somehow being magically corrupted. Unfortunately eBay features have never included an "undo or go back" button. I will monitor but currently seeing no firm policies in play other than what were applied to a listing when they were originally created.



Message 18 of 19
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Re: Default shipping profile is different from the shipping option in the listings

@lotzofuniquegoodies wrote:


I was mostly nervous about amending a new policy and the older listings somehow being magically corrupted. Unfortunately eBay features have never included an "undo or go back" button. I will monitor but currently seeing no firm policies in play other than what were applied to a listing when they were originally created.


-Lot more nervous than I was staring at 4 pages of policies...mostly obsolete!


However, you do have a 'Copy policy' option on the 'Edit' dropdown adjacent to each policy in the stack:


I didn't need to use this option because I was already too busy cleaning up and consolidating what was already there. But it does appear that as long as you give the copied policy a different name, do not designate it the selling 'default', or apply it to any active listings, then it will just sit there in your policy stack...much like a working draft.

Message 19 of 19
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