Does anyone else think the DSR system is a total and utter farce??

This system is totally dysfunctional.   Buyer leaves glowing feedback on one hand and torpedoes you with a bunch of 1's on a multiple purchase and there is nothing you can do about it.  eBay doesn't care.  In fact I think eBay is probably really happy when it happens because they make more money by not having to give you a discount on your final value fees.  I called customer support and wasted 10 minutes of my life.  Their solution was communicate more with the customer and ask them to leave positive comments and DSR ratings if they are happy.  They said it is okay for a customer to leave glowing feedback and yet leave a bunch of low rating numbers.  REALLY??   I have been doing this for over ten years and I am seriously considering calling it a day.  I have had maybe a handful of negatives over the past ten years but in reality these people were never going to be happy no matter what you did.  I can deal with that.  What I can't deal with anymore is the fact eBay doesn't seem to give a hoot about the sellers who in my view are the people making eBay rich.  Don't get me wrong I don't have a problem with eBay making money.  Everyone likes to make money.   What really irks me is in my view just about every eBay policy favours the buyer at the expense of the seller.  Maybe I am wrong.  Would really like to hear your opinion/horror stories relating to DSR.     

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Re: Does anyone else think the DSR system is a total and utter farce??

Why should a buyer's "opinion" be taken as the truth, when it is not the truth, and can be proven that it is not? We have never overcharged on shipping, we lose money every time, and this can be proven. We ship the next or same day, and again this can be proven by tracking numbers. It is the same thing as if someone was asked to put down the colour of grass and they answered purple. That's what they put down so it must be the the truth, even though it can be proven to be green!! Lost top-rated status because of  buyer's opinions that are not based on fact.!!! REALLY FAIR !!!

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Re: Does anyone else think the DSR system is a total and utter farce??

I am totally convinced the eBay "Top Rated Seller" program is merely a mechanism for eBay to say to the sellers, "Hey look what we are doing for you. We are really nice people."  In reality eBay would love it if no one attained Top Rated Seller status as it add to their bottom line in a big way.  It would be interesting to see the statistics as to how many top rated sellers have been screwed by the flawed DSR system.  

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Re: Does anyone else think the DSR system is a total and utter farce??

Community Member

so what has been decided ...judging by the msg's ...ebay don't give a hoot .....maybe boycott sales for a week

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