Seller Central
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I sold an item a month ago. I accepted an offer from the buyer for around $40.00 less than the original asking price. The buyer received the item and gave me very positive feedback saying the item was received as described in his remarks. Now, a coup...
If a buyer says they did not receive an item ,what should the seller do?
So I buy an item from the US. Seller provides a tracking number through DHL. The item shows up in my regular mail. There is no confirmation of delivery. If the item hadn't shown up, I wonder how Paypal would handle this? So, what is the purpose of pr...
So suppose I want to sell several exact copies of the same item under a single Buy-It-Now listing. It's a bulky item, so I want to use calculated shipping to factor in the cost difference between shipping it locally and shipping it to a remote commun...
How is it that this seller is still on eBay? I thought you had to have a good rating or they booted you. 98.1% positive feedback
FOR THOSE FLOWERS AND PLANTS SELERS ATTENTIONI!!! Is it a good idea putting all plants and flowers into stock market, issuing shares or dividends for every particular, isn't it better than dumping all the seeds with that cheap price!
Hope this is the right place to ask this. I have a set of Akoya pearls that I would like to try to sell on ebay. This will be my toe in the water start to what I would love to be a long term business. Any suggestions you seasoned pros can give me on ...
I have a current listing and would like to add a picture, but cannot. Keeps giving me an error informing me to correct the so-called high-lighted area. Appears to be a software glitch as they keep updating the editing features. Please fix it eBay!
Anyone know how long before you can't see the items in my store? Its been about an hour and I can still see my open store. I did click to not show any FP items and I cancelled my auctions. Can anyone see my store items? Below the video is a statement from ebay.
The o/s lettermail parcel came back with "postage due" sticker and written by hand 241g $4.10 Reg There is 8x $0.50 + 1x $0.10 stamps. Nice of CanadaPost they did not cancel these stamps
Promos have been fast and furious the last two months. Anyone keeping track of them? What to expect and when?
Hi! I have a question here. I have been trying to print out the shipping label and this is what shows at PayPal: Paypal Shipping is unavailable for the Ship To Address (...... ) What can be the reason for that? I see the buyer's address at PayPal, bu...
Kind of a rant but here it goes: Why does eBay allow picture and description theft? When you report the listings using the proper online form, eBay just ignores you and does nothing about it. When phone into customer service, they promise you action,...
I have a bidder on item 281365899710. This person signed up yesterday and has zero feedback should I worry? I just got another one.
Made a sale this morning and attempted to leave feedback for the buyer. received an error in red text saying "Can't leave feedback for the selected listing(s)." Called support (oh woe is me lol) and they said they are aware of the issue and are worki...
This might be a dumb question......................I listed a number of items and later found a typo in the description. I was using TL and it copied onto a number of listings. I know I can bulk add to descriptions, But if there a way to search my cu...
Hello all, I'm really sorry if this has been asked a trillion times before, but I tried looking on the board and couldn't find the answer I need. At the moment I'm listing/selling some basketball cards on ebay, and due to the high (traceable) shippin...
I'm new here and have a few scenarios ,how am I protected for example if I sold for example a iphone 5 ,I get a tracking number with delivery confirmation and canada post shows it as delivered,but my buyer says for example that there was no phone in ...
I have a 10 item selling limit here on ebay because I'm new here on ebay and I understand why but how can I tell WHEN EXACTLY I can list another 10 items?
Does anyone know if PayPal Shipping or VentureOne qualify? I emailed the Claims Administrator and the were of no help, just told me to fill out the online forms to see if I would be part of the Class Who can be paid compensation under the class actio...
people who watch listings and never bid. i just had 2 closings with 13 watchers each and not 1 single bid upon closing.
Only based upon BIN sales. May 25-31 = 81 total sales (Highest since Feb '14) Jun 01-07 = 53 total sales (My average weekly amount) Jun 08-14 = 23 total sales Jun 15-21 = 10 total sales Anyone Else's drops look kinda like this?? This sucks.....
Why is it that when you list something, right away it shows views? Sometimes it is 1, sometimes 2. It is just confusing, wish there was a way to zero them out, so I would know how many actual views there was. Used to use Vendio, but don't want a thir...
How can one ship from china and have free shipping? I just bought 19 items from 19 different vendors for less then $6 total,explain how they can ship across seas to canada for free if most of the items I bought are less then 25 cents.
Hi, I run my own business and would like to begin selling with ebay online as well. Since I sell Auto Parts I want to be able to access the vehicle compatibility tool that ebay provides although it is only accessible from the american site. It says i...
I had noticed a decrease in my Canadian sales so I thought I would look up some of my items in the search lists. To my shock and utter dismay all of my listings is search results were coming up with a 17 dollar and change shipping cost. when I clicke...
I can't seem to find where one goes to run it....assuming it is doable now, I thought it was.... I have 1x1, 1x2, and 2x3 I think all from the same buyer for a problem batch of material (they got 4 items that were problems and it was my fault, so no ...