05-18-2021 10:45 AM
As the title states, when eBay reports to CRA, with Managed Payments, are they reporting the gross sale figures or do they also take expenses into that?
05-18-2021 12:58 PM
I would imagine just the gross payments, since every taxpayer will have different tax writeoffs (procurement, rent, postage, packaging, wages, utilities, shoptheft).
Keep records of ALL your expenses.
05-18-2021 01:17 PM
Quite a few years ago the CRA forced eBay to give them some of the sellers sales figures and eBay fought it but eventually gave in. But as far as I know that was a one time thing. I haven't heard that they have give that information on a regular basis though it's possible that might change now. But if they did give it, it would be gross sales. Either way, it's up to us to claim the income.
05-18-2021 01:33 PM
As a general policy eBay does not report anything to the CRA and there is no legal requirement I'm aware of that requires them to do so on a mass basis.
That said, more than 10 years ago the CRA requested eBay turn over sales records for all "Powersellers", eBay fought this request for several years but in the end was forced to comply and turned over the records for a single year (2009 as I recall).
That said eBay will provide the info for specific accounts if formally requested by CRA and obviously they would comply should the CRA provide a court order.
There is no equivalent in Canada to the laws in the US (law passed in 2009) that require annual reporting of all marketplace sellers (the current cut off amounts end this year and from 2022 onwards eBay will report sales for any account with more than US$600 in total transactions). Even in the US it was not "eBay" that does the reporting it is the Payment Processor, now with Managed Payments eBay IS the Payment Processor instead of PayPal
A couple of things to keep in mind, if you are subject to an audit and CRA wants the info they will be able to get it and most important just because eBay doesn't report doesn't mean the funds are not reportable gross revenues that should be included in your annual tax returns.
If eBay were to report they would only report the total gross amount of all transactions, it is up to the individual taxpayer to calculate any and all deductions from the gross.