11-07-2020 07:24 AM
This week I have experienced something very odd with two of my listings. I had these eyeglasses for sale at $179 USD and a buyer was able to purchase them for $16 . Here is the link to the listing
I have since ended the listing and cancelled the order.
I had not sent the buyer an offer on this nor had my offer settings been set to accept at any price, just decline if the offer was below $150.
I spoke with eBay and they acknowledged that this is a major glitch and needs to be resolved.
Here is the other example https://www.ebay.com/itm/363038387022 this item priced at $449 sold for $3.00 .
Has this happened to anyone else?
11-07-2020 02:17 PM
Although you have over 1300 listings, it would be a Good Idea to scroll through them watching for price anomalies.
I believe in your Active Listings you will also be able to choose "Best Offer- Added" which will show you which listings are showing Best Offers and remove or correct them.
Just a warning. Cancelling for any reason than "Buyer Request" or "Problem with Address" will put expensive Defects on your Selling account. Fingers crossed.
tyler@ebay won't be in until Monday, but we can at least flag the problem.
11-07-2020 07:08 PM
i just scrolled through your sold items, and nothing has sold for 16$.. your items sold would still show up, even if they were cancelled.. check it out yourself..
11-08-2020 01:01 AM
11-09-2020 11:40 AM
Thanks for the tag @reallynicestamps!
Hi @sunraycity - is there any chance that you have 'auto-accept' activated on the best offers for your listings?
I can see that best offers were accepted on the items you shared, so if you don't recall getting those offers by email it may be because an auto-accept was on (which is why you'd get the 'sold' message instead of the 'review this offer' option).
You should be able to edit or remove the auto-accept as an option with the Bulk Edit tool in Seller Hub.
11-09-2020 03:31 PM
11-09-2020 05:06 PM
The part of all of this that should be concerning if it turns out to be true is:
I had not sent the buyer an offer on this nor had my offer settings been set to accept at any price, just decline if the offer was below $150.
I spoke with eBay and they acknowledged that this is a major glitch and needs to be resolved.
It's similar to the reports of best offer being added to sellers listings without their knowledge and those are still ongoing.