Hi- Tried Creating NEW STORE SUB CATEGORY -now Listings are Gone! ...

OK - This is a week old now - need to solve it 

I thought I was up to understanding the directions this time to add a sub-category to an existing populated category in my store - namely Collectibles> Games & Toys -- wanted to add > Warhammer 40K  -- which I think is there - but in my Selling Manager Pro- my "file" for Games& Toys shows ZERO listings - eek -  

--- I got to the part of the process that said the category has to be moved first and I Thought  that it gave me the option in a Box, to move them to "Other" - I clicked the drop down menu and Thought I chose > Yarn: Hand Dyed Wool  - then I'm blank about what happened next after clicking -next - maybe I gave up - the phone rang ... I have very little memory retention right now due to illness, very frustrating -  so NOW I cannot find my 50 odd Games listings -showing only the newest one that I created after all this happened. I have checked in every store cat. 

--I see they are still visible in my store and on EBay for the public but I cannot access them for editing etc . --I really need to break down my categories - you will see I have a category that is called - MY PICK - Temp tie folder - that was my first attempt .. when it told me I had to move my tie listings out first --so can anyone tell me where to get them back please?

----maybe the system was glitching early this am but I tried to move forward with setting up some combined shipping rules too - and couldn't get back into that edit field either....- I don't see the Box to check when I have set up a new listing - that says -apply my shipping discounts.. is it not available when I use the "sell similar " or "Copy Templates"  - features?? I should start a new thread for this probably - just lately trying to find  where to set these things up is like falling down the Rabbit hole with Alice !! - I am just a simple being! Many Thanks - Melanie -

  and I don't know how to embed screen captures etc like a lot of you fancy folk do !! 

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Re: Hi- Tried Creating NEW STORE SUB CATEGORY -now Listings are Gone! ...

Community Member

@watermelonmemories2005 wrote:

OK - This is a week old now - need to solve it 

I thought I was up to understanding the directions this time to add a sub-category to an existing populated category in my store - namely Collectibles> Games & Toys -- wanted to add > Warhammer 40K  -- which I think is there - but in my Selling Manager Pro- my "file" for Games& Toys shows ZERO listings - eek -  

--- I got to the part of the process that said the category has to be moved first and I Thought  that it gave me the option in a Box, to move them to "Other" - I clicked the drop down menu and Thought I chose > Yarn: Hand Dyed Wool  - then I'm blank about what happened next after clicking -next - maybe I gave up - the phone rang ... I have very little memory retention right now due to illness, very frustrating -  so NOW I cannot find my 50 odd Games listings -showing only the newest one that I created after all this happened. I have checked in every store cat. 

--I see they are still visible in my store and on EBay for the public but I cannot access them for editing etc . --I really need to break down my categories - you will see I have a category that is called - MY PICK - Temp tie folder - that was my first attempt .. when it told me I had to move my tie listings out first --so can anyone tell me where to get them back please?

----maybe the system was glitching early this am but I tried to move forward with setting up some combined shipping rules too - and couldn't get back into that edit field either....- I don't see the Box to check when I have set up a new listing - that says -apply my shipping discounts.. is it not available when I use the "sell similar " or "Copy Templates"  - features?? I should start a new thread for this probably - just lately trying to find  where to set these things up is like falling down the Rabbit hole with Alice !! - I am just a simple being! Many Thanks - Melanie -

  and I don't know how to embed screen captures etc like a lot of you fancy folk do !! 

Hi @watermelonmemories2005. That sounds so frustrating! I want to clarify a few things, and also make sure I'm understanding the issue since there's been such a kerfuffle.


Store categories cannot have any sub-categories added while there are listings present in any of the 'parent' categories. So for your Collectibles>Toys>Warhammer branch you would need to clear everything out of those categories. I would either create a temporary category or use the default 'other' category. You'll need to 'lifeboat' them to a temporary category. 

If I'm understanding it sounds like you may have sent the Warhammer listings to a different store category but can't find them now, is that right?

The easiest way may be to sort your listings in Seller Hub or Selling Manager by title or search for 'Warhammer' and then bulk edit all the results and change the store category there (as long as the subcategory is ready).

I hope that helps!



View solution in original post

Message 12 of 12
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Re: Hi- Tried Creating NEW STORE SUB CATEGORY -now Listings are Gone! ...

Hey - I had a thought - got me no further though - I CAN see the GAMES when ALL is selected in Seller Manager - so I clicked to revise one - and the Store Category is set to >Other < -- so that did change - perhaps my mouse slipped when I thought I had clicked the Yarn cat... (picked that one as it was empty ) -- so ... they still don't show in Other though,,,,
Message 2 of 12
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Re: Hi- Tried Creating NEW STORE SUB CATEGORY -now Listings are Gone! ...

I have found that when moving listings into different Store Categories that the system can be a bit finicky. The only time-tested method I have found that always works is to go into each listing individually and revise them one at a time from the old category into the new. 


There are other ways to do it, I know. But this is the one that does what it's supposed to do every time despite that it is the most time-consuming.


Also, listings in new Categories or moved to new Categories take a long time to index. You might notice they're all moved the next time you log in, as long as that next time is more than an hour later. 

Message 3 of 12
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Re: Hi- Tried Creating NEW STORE SUB CATEGORY -now Listings are Gone! ...

@watermelonmemories2005 wrote:

OK - This is a week old now - need to solve it 

I thought I was up to understanding the directions this time to add a sub-category to an existing populated category in my store - namely Collectibles> Games & Toys -- wanted to add > Warhammer 40K  -- which I think is there - but in my Selling Manager Pro- my "file" for Games& Toys shows ZERO listings - eek -  


My suggestion would be to put this task aside for a couple of weeks, maybe even longer, until the roll-out of Seller Hub on eBay.ca is completed.  Whenever eBay introduces a new feature, it seems to cause disruption to existing features, or else the new feature doesn't function fully as it should.  


I'd wait until all this has died down and Seller Hub is firmly in place for a while before going back and changing your categories.  If you're planning to use Seller Hub, I believe there is a link to the categories feature in one of the Hub modules (if I recall).  I'd sit tight for a while, and try again later. 

Message 4 of 12
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Re: Hi- Tried Creating NEW STORE SUB CATEGORY -now Listings are Gone! ...

WELL it has been a week and I still cannot access them as a group. perhaps a hard log out of everything and back in ... re doing this individually -yikes - over 100 items in each category - maybe a bulk edit -try switching category there to a blank space while I create new - truly crazy not helpful system !! When one is getting started -who know what sub categories one will need !! apparently that is the only easy time to do it !
Buyers are busier than me .. so want my shelves organized for speed. maybe they will be smart enough to key word search within the category ... meanwhile I still have too many glitches up in the air and constant ones slowing me down as I try and list even now - time for bed - Thank you
Message 5 of 12
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Re: Hi- Tried Creating NEW STORE SUB CATEGORY -now Listings are Gone! ...

I can do denial and wait... but I do need to find the missing listings still in the meanwhile. Thanks for pointing out the Hub install -hopefully it will be a time saver for me. Thank you
Message 6 of 12
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Re: Hi- Tried Creating NEW STORE SUB CATEGORY -now Listings are Gone! ...

I think it would be a good idea to bring this problem up on this Wednesday's Chat with the eBay rep.  They may not even know about it (not unusual), so could at least look into the issue.   It's really unacceptable.  I won't be touching my categories settings until I know this problem has been resolved. 


Actually, you might want to send a message to either 'tyler'  or 'happypigeon'  directly on Monday.  I'll even tag them here so hopefully one of them might respond in this discussion thread for all of us to see:  @tyler    @happypigeon


It may take another week or so before Seller Hub is fully rolled out to every Canadian seller who is eligible for it, so we're likely in for more disruptions and glitches.  I notice that a couple of the features I'm used to using on the .com Seller Hub aren't working (yet?) on the .ca version.  So I suspect eBay will have some clean-up to do before it functions properly.  


And in the meantime, the programming necessary to install it has no doubt broken a few other things.  Let's hope they can fix this one quickly.

Message 7 of 12
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Re: Hi- Tried Creating NEW STORE SUB CATEGORY -now Listings are Gone! ...

Happy_pidgeon is out of the office this week and unavailable on the boards; she wrote a post about it.
Message 8 of 12
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Re: Hi- Tried Creating NEW STORE SUB CATEGORY -now Listings are Gone! ...

Also, your tags: when done correctly they show as a blue hyperlink. I believe you’ve merely typed the words as opposed to created tags.
Message 9 of 12
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Re: Hi- Tried Creating NEW STORE SUB CATEGORY -now Listings are Gone! ...

tyler@ebay, sorry to tag you again in rapid succession but there's something awry with the Store Categories. The previous poster is trying to tag you for assistance, I came to help. 




Message 10 of 12
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Re: Hi- Tried Creating NEW STORE SUB CATEGORY -now Listings are Gone! ...

@momcqueen wrote:
Also, your tags: when done correctly they show as a blue hyperlink. I believe you’ve merely typed the words as opposed to created tags.

Yup, too used to using Facebook.  And too freaking many changes around here to keep up with (ironically eBay is worse in that regard than FB).  It's an age thing, new stuff creates both irritation and difficulty.   Now I see the "Add Tags" link, forgive me.

Message 11 of 12
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Re: Hi- Tried Creating NEW STORE SUB CATEGORY -now Listings are Gone! ...

Community Member

@watermelonmemories2005 wrote:

OK - This is a week old now - need to solve it 

I thought I was up to understanding the directions this time to add a sub-category to an existing populated category in my store - namely Collectibles> Games & Toys -- wanted to add > Warhammer 40K  -- which I think is there - but in my Selling Manager Pro- my "file" for Games& Toys shows ZERO listings - eek -  

--- I got to the part of the process that said the category has to be moved first and I Thought  that it gave me the option in a Box, to move them to "Other" - I clicked the drop down menu and Thought I chose > Yarn: Hand Dyed Wool  - then I'm blank about what happened next after clicking -next - maybe I gave up - the phone rang ... I have very little memory retention right now due to illness, very frustrating -  so NOW I cannot find my 50 odd Games listings -showing only the newest one that I created after all this happened. I have checked in every store cat. 

--I see they are still visible in my store and on EBay for the public but I cannot access them for editing etc . --I really need to break down my categories - you will see I have a category that is called - MY PICK - Temp tie folder - that was my first attempt .. when it told me I had to move my tie listings out first --so can anyone tell me where to get them back please?

----maybe the system was glitching early this am but I tried to move forward with setting up some combined shipping rules too - and couldn't get back into that edit field either....- I don't see the Box to check when I have set up a new listing - that says -apply my shipping discounts.. is it not available when I use the "sell similar " or "Copy Templates"  - features?? I should start a new thread for this probably - just lately trying to find  where to set these things up is like falling down the Rabbit hole with Alice !! - I am just a simple being! Many Thanks - Melanie -

  and I don't know how to embed screen captures etc like a lot of you fancy folk do !! 

Hi @watermelonmemories2005. That sounds so frustrating! I want to clarify a few things, and also make sure I'm understanding the issue since there's been such a kerfuffle.


Store categories cannot have any sub-categories added while there are listings present in any of the 'parent' categories. So for your Collectibles>Toys>Warhammer branch you would need to clear everything out of those categories. I would either create a temporary category or use the default 'other' category. You'll need to 'lifeboat' them to a temporary category. 

If I'm understanding it sounds like you may have sent the Warhammer listings to a different store category but can't find them now, is that right?

The easiest way may be to sort your listings in Seller Hub or Selling Manager by title or search for 'Warhammer' and then bulk edit all the results and change the store category there (as long as the subcategory is ready).

I hope that helps!


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