How to get on Best Match on

Ebay Seller .CA since 2001 at "billchrests"

Jan 2018 has been very slow because can not get on Best Match

We were doing much better 5 years ago.

99% of my sales are to USA    -  1% to Canada so Site is important

1800 Listings -  1600 on .COM  - 200 on .CA

Till 2018 all .CA listing were automatically showing up on Best Match .COM.

We make a 150 mile round trip to USA every Wednesday and mail by USPS Priority,

so only offer 5 work day delivery for last 17 years.

Average ship cost approx. $7.50

3 long conversations with Ebay.CA and offer no help to fix .

Offer Global Ship but only given automatic costs to USA & Canada.

My Past experience with Global Sales were very poor and led to bad feedback.


Any Experiences would be welcomed

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How to get on Best Match on

Yes, you're correct regarding the bulk edit function. It's almost necessary to remove one word with each edit... pretty slow going and the results cannot be trusted. That's been my experience anyway. I have much better luck using the bulk editor in "one at a time " mode. .. just keep doing a cut and paste one after the other. Some of my listings are a horrible jumble after trying a bulk description edit with Turbolister... forgot TL doesn't replace text, just adds more text on the end. Holy moly what a mess! Good luck... hope your sales pickup soon.

P.S. Have you ever considered enabling your store listing frame for all of your listings? Imo this would be much better than just the banner with search box you have right now. Your customers don't have any store navigation readily available . This is especially true for mobile shoppers. The isting frame would not be any help there but a live link back to your store homepage would be helpful. Just a thought.
Message 21 of 23
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How to get on Best Match on

For Amazon prepare to pay higher fees.Absorbs a lot of scams,returns and stuffed your pocket with money to pay for it.Im there for half an year and not happy .You could try with small listings and see where will go.And be careful if you are not the manufacturer there is a lot of restriction .Also because you are able to list doesnt mean that you have the right to sell this items .Read the sellers boards before you start .Amazon its so pro-customer platform that will get your money faster than you make them.And the returns you need to accept them any time .You may get stuck with items that are damaged by the customer in purpose .Try it but be careful.

Message 22 of 23
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How to get on Best Match on

Listed approx. 25 Lost Leader border packages on

with free ship in USA & Canada

This morning on - search Wallpaper Borders

showed approx. 10 of my listing on 1st BEST MATCH page

on explorer - 0 on Chrome - 25 on I-phone

Will keep trying

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