12-03-2015 08:57 AM
Hi everybody,
I had a buyer purchase 2 items from me (which was good after a VERY dead November!). She sent me a message telling me that she wanted to cancel, would that be ok, I agreed and started the cancellation process. A few days later she bought 3 other items from me (buy it now price, fantastic!) She sent me a message asking if it would be ok if she paid on Tuesday. I wrote her back saying it was no problem, but could she please go ahead and cancel the first two items. This morning I woke up and she has paid for the 3 newer items AND the 2 items she had wanted to cancel. I sent out the 3 items, but I don't want to send out the "cancelled" items, as I am worried that she will be given a refund when the cancellation process ends, as she has now paid for the items, but I initiated the cancellation process.
So, my question is, how can I uncancel this process? I've looked all over the place, but I can't find any information.
Also, is there any scammy reason why someone might cancel and then pay? Honestly it just seems like this woman is not the brightest, but I'm not sure.
Thanks in advance!
12-03-2015 09:08 AM
Did you ask her if she changed her mind on those two items and that's why she paid for those two items?
12-03-2015 10:55 AM
Once a buyer pays, whatever the circumstances, you have a transaction, and as a seller you are obligated to ship unless the buyer subsequently asks for a cancellation. Processing the cancellation on the 2 remaining items after the buyer paid for them could result in a defect for a seller initiated cancellation if you chose the wrong explanation. What reason did you choose on the cancellation page?
People do have second thoughts or change their minds about purchasing, sometimes for the most frivolous or unfathomable reasons. I realize it's too late now for this advice, but you should not have cancelled the 2 items until you had confirmed with the buyer that the purchase was intentional. I would probably have even telephoned the buyer immediately to sort things out.
I don't believe there is any way to reverse a cancellation once it's in progress. However, there may be another solution. You can still contact your buyer and confirm what the buyer's intentions really are. Make sure you send the message through eBay Messages so there is a record of the discussion within eBay.
If the buyer really wants those 2 items, apologize for the confusion and ask them to refuse the cancellation when they see it pop up in their eBay Messages inbox. If you chose the proper cancellation reason (i.e. "buyer changed mind or doesn't want the item"), their refusal of the cancellation may not result in a defect. This may be something you'll have to sort out with eBay Customer Service later, which is why I suggest you keep communications within the eBay message system.
12-03-2015 02:18 PM
Phone and talk to the buyer.
You can get her number from eBay (or possibly from Canada 411 since you now have her name and address.)
But if she has paid for all three items, I would think she wants all three items.
You can't put off shipping, and you can't keep both the money and the stuff.
12-03-2015 02:42 PM
In the past, the buyer was asked to agree or not to agree to a cancellation and once they agreed, the cancellation was final and fvf fees were refunded to the seller.I could be wrong but I don't think that is how it works any longer.
The cancellation process can be confusing now so I am just giving this my best 'guess'. I think but can't confirm that when the seller cancels a transaction the buyer is sent a note saying that the seller has cancelled and asked if they received the refund. Or, they may also have the option of refusing to agree to the cancellation. Since in many cases, the buyer hasn't paid yet and they do agree with the cancellation, they have nothing to reply to so they do nothing. Then, after about 10 days, the seller automatically receives their fvf fees.
If I'm right, that's why your buyer didn't agree to cancel at the beginning.
If she now wants the items, and she ignores the cancellation, my guess is that everything will go through as usual. I don't think that she would be refunded but as I said...this is how I "think" things would work out because the items would be shipped and because she hasn't disagreed with the cancellation.
If she doesn't want the items but paid by mistake, you should be able to give her a refund and then she can agree that she got the refund and everything will be finalized.