Hi every one I had to write the Title as such to get attention to all sellers out there.
Here goes the issue Ebay reps have now knowing for over 2 months and they have not corrected and I have to spend freaking time effort every 3 days or so to call them about this issue and they don't give answers. The only thing they say we are sorry to hear that and at the end they give credit fees on shipping more or less to shut me up and then have to go through the same process a few days later to call them.
Problem is with combined shipping fees charged to sellers
Shipping fees are charged to what you have set as DOMESTIC s/h so if you charge $3.00 for what ever Domestic service you pay 0.30 plus tax =0.34
Now if you charge $5.00 to ship USA that same item Ebay should be charging you valued at the DOMESTIC RATE which is on $3.00 thus 0.34 in total
Now here is the Scam of how the system is cheating thus if you don't pay attention we as sellers are forking over millions to Ebay
With combined shipping again your DOMESTIC $3.00 and you charge 0.50 per extra thus if a buyer purchases 4 items the first should be $3.00 and the rest 0.50+ 0.50+ 0.50+ so ebay should be collecting 0.34+0.06+0.06+0.06
But when the buyer is from USA or other country and what ever you charge to ship there EBAY is charging as follows it adds up all the shipping cost that you charge the buyer and then splits it 4 time being there were 4 items purchased at the rate to USA or other instead of being charge to the DOMESTIC THUS again should be charged on $3.00 +0.50 +0.50 +0.50 even though you could b charging $5.00 for the first to USA.
Thus the Ebay system is adding $5.00+0.50+0.50+0.50 and charging the full amount in fees instead as it is stated on all ebay sites that the fees amount charged will be and has been for the past 10+ years on what ever the sellers DOMESTIC SHIPPING COST IS.
This is not happening to me and now past 2 months and I keep calling in and at times have to explain the problem to 3 people before they actual agree and admit that they know and nothing has been done to fix this.
I don't know if I am just the only one having this issue I believe the problem is wide spread thus Ebay is collecting possibly millions per day on this system mess so you should look into your shipping fees that you are being charged as again shipping fees have always been charged to the value of Domestic thus if you offer FREE DOMESTIC and charge $15.00 for USA OR OTHER Country you should not be paying any shipping fees at all.
It would be nice if other are having this problem to consider getting lawyer and filing lawsuit think if it this way if there are 5 millions sellers and the system is scamming a few cents per transaction cents per day how much does the amount come to???