10-26-2019 06:48 PM
We have over 1000 listings of hockey cards.
Now - all of a sudden - to relist we have to add 6 specific pieces of information - Manufacturer, player name, team, grading, is it original (don't even know what that means) and what sport (hockey)
This is insane. This information is useless and is already in description.
We cannot list in bulk and are going to lose our monthly allotment of listings as it will take too long. Then - if too much time goes by - we will lose our listings as we can't relist fast enough.
Anyone else dealing with this? any workarounds?
10-28-2019 06:18 PM
(for example, the shoe category had 3 different spellings of 'culottes' because folks were spelling it differently).
Since "culottes" are a type of riding skirt/ pants, or an 18th century French revolutionary, why would they be in Shoes at all?
Fastening on the trivia since 1946.
10-28-2019 06:28 PM
@femmefan1946 wrote:
(for example, the shoe category had 3 different spellings of 'culottes' because folks were spelling it differently).
Since "culottes" are a type of riding skirt/ pants, or an 18th century French revolutionary, why would they be in Shoes at all?
Fastening on the trivia since 1946.
Hahahaha - that's a very fair question, now I'm curious!!
10-28-2019 11:10 PM
In response to the ebay reply.
First - your "bulk" editing isn't working when we try to relist a bunch of hockey cards. Have tried numerous times to relist a bunch of cards where the 6 new item specific categories were actually the same for those listings. Did all the work and then it said ………..0 of 9 listings updated so …..thanks So get that fixed and let us know when it is.
Second - BULK listing doesn't work when you have listings with...…...DIFFERENT PLAYERS...…….you can't bulk list them - because...………………………... the PLAYER NAME item specific is DIFFERENT and likely the team name too
This is a HUGE fiasco you have created. I just spent over two hours relisting about 50 cards. Should have take me about ten minutes Thanks
and by the way - will you credit us back our listings WE HAVE PAID FOR if time doesn't allow us to use up those listings - because we have to relist ONE BY ONE
Thanks again
10-29-2019 11:53 AM
Further to my rant of yesterday a couple of comments - the first out of frustration - the second a suggestion.
I take exception to your comment that ebay had been telling us all year that they were going to add these item specifics as mandatory fields.
That wouldn't have helped us at all with the problem we now face. It's not like we could SLOWLY make the changes as we were relisting because we didn't know which fields you were going to arbitrarily tell us were mandatory. So even if I had gone in and changed each listing ONE BY ONE to add info to item specifics - I might have not added info to all 6 categories you picked - and so would have had to repeat the editing ONE BY ONE for over 1300 created listings we have.
But here's the suggestion. Since you say adding these item specifics is for OUR benefit (we will have a greater chance our listings are seen) why don't you let US decide which item specifics we choose to fill in. If we don't it's OUR loss. Or - we can test different item specific categories to see how it affects traffic and sales.
And here's another concern: we go and add the item specifics to every one of our listings so they can go up - and then you guys decide to add one more needed field - and we have to edit every listing AGAIN
To help us for now as we have so many listings to edit - could you guys simply remove the mandatory requirement on the new item specifics you just added? I notice when I'm editing listings that there is a red asterisk beside a field called UPC code - yet I can relist without filling that one in.
Could you not simply - for now - remove the mandatory status of those new item specific categories?
10-29-2019 01:55 PM
Borrowed/repossessed from dot com:
"List something turkey for Thanksgiving and eBay will keep insisting that you make the country of origin Turkey. List something pumpkin for fall and eBay will keep insisting that the color is orange. No, eBay's AI is not smart enough to know the difference."
10-29-2019 04:14 PM
Hi @mlhj87 - thanks for your input - I can definitely get that passed along for consideration!
At this point in time there has not been any announcements made that the required item specifics will be made optional, nor have there been any announcements regarding compensation. I recommend checking the announcements page for updates as they are available. Thanks!
10-31-2019 01:03 PM
There was a story on RadioOne this morning about AI and how dumb it was, even though it was really good at calculation.
10-31-2019 01:34 PM
@femmefan1946 wrote:
There was a story on RadioOne this morning about AI and how dumb it was, even though it was really good at calculation.
Good with numbers ... makes sense ... numbers usually follow logical patterns ... the human mind, not so much!
10-31-2019 01:51 PM
I had a customer recently purchase multiple units. I normally make maybe a 1 dollar on handling. I lost 4.00 with the inaccuracies of calculated shipping. And calculator only adds handling to first unit. AI and numbers. Depends on who is doing the programming and if they know what they are doing.
11-02-2019 10:57 AM
I managed to add the useless item specifics to about 2000 archived stamp listings using turbolister bulk editing a few days ago. It is still working. It took me about 3 hours.
11-02-2019 11:27 AM
In an attempt to add 30 day returns using bulk edit, the system was nice enough to bring up a quantity of listings that are NOW missing these new added random item specifics. As soon as I spotted that, I hit the back button. I wasn't entirely ready of having to dig through over 6 hundred listings for that kind of headache. Need more !!!
07-17-2021 09:42 AM
07-17-2021 10:58 AM