01-20-2013 03:01 AM
01-20-2013 03:04 AM
Click Zoom or Enlarge if your bored LOL .. It's a late night at work guys what can i say simple things amuse simple minds LOL
01-20-2013 07:47 AM
This item seems to have past inspection.
01-20-2013 07:49 PM
I know I had to post I just can't believe this made it on to ebay. I mean I could probbly have this post taken down by just typing the words of the things shown in the picture... This is unreal that iot made it on to ebay
01-20-2013 08:04 PM
So, what were you searching for, brande? 🙂
01-20-2013 08:08 PM
I'm guessing a gold belt, jt; whatdya think?
01-20-2013 08:10 PM
LOL NICE TRY .. I actually was searching movies I don't recall exactly where I found it .. I think I was price comparing a movie called spring break or something ..
01-20-2013 08:12 PM
I think the brande doth protest too much..... 😉
01-20-2013 10:12 PM
Now now guys I have an image to uphold here LOL ya right ... I'll be honest I found it searching for movies but I did click Zoom LOL
01-20-2013 11:15 PM
And it's gone.... I guess I'll have to go back to reading "Castle" fanfiction for giggles.