12-16-2021 07:04 PM
So all the talk of it being ok to put things in lettermail as long as they meet canada posts guidlines.
been doing this for awhile. and its great!! cheap shipping! easy shipping! fast shipping!!
well folks. today that has changed. this will impact many fast.
today my regular shipments. cost me money out of my pocket. and maybe you soon too!!! be warned....
No notice anywhere. but the canada post employees have the memo
United States Will No Longer ACCEPT ITEMS in Letter mail or oversized lettermail.
Ouch! my roughly 6.00 shipment cost 27 today. lost all my profits. and had to take money out of my own pocket to pay for it.
not trying to complain here. just a heads up to everyone, this memo went across canada.
i mail pretty much daily. so this is like today new.
more work for the post office ladies! more costs to usa buyers! and more profits for Canada post who cant guranteee $!#!! anyway
any other canadian usa sellers experience the new RULES.
im assuming this was Made BY usa. because they said they will refuse items in lettermail. that are not declared!
canada post lady also stated this does not effect shipping within canada & i assume other internatinal countries. but i need to ask about other international countries......
Can't wait to see what small business is like in 2022!!!!!!
will they even exist!
03-04-2022 10:30 PM - edited 03-04-2022 10:33 PM
I was told by my local Canada Post outlet that it was ok to send small items as Oversized Lettermail as long as they met the weight and size requirements. Over the years, I sent thousands of items to the U.S. as Oversized Lettermail.
I just learned today that I should not have been doing that.
The USA just started refusing Oversized Lettermail of goods in late January and onward, based upon the returns that started to show up at my mailbox.
I really wish there had been warnings because I was under the impression is was OK.
I realize now its my fault for the returns, but honestly I never knew otherwise.
I am guessing the massive inflation realized in 2021 is what caused the USPS to clamp down and enforce the rule. They likely weren't getting enough profit to move Canadian packages through the USA and that's why they finally said Enough is enough.
Inflation is so difficult to deal with nowadays and it will be felt in so many ways for all of us in the future.
03-04-2022 10:36 PM
I didn't put tracking on my packages to the USA because my claim rate was only 2%. The cost of tracking was way higher than 2%, so it made financial sense to not put tracking.
Now, there is no way around it - ever item sent to the USA that isn't classified as paper documents must be registered as a parcel, so tracking will be included.
I think inflation caused the move by the USPS, but maybe Fedex and UPS also had some input in the change.
03-05-2022 10:57 AM
I'm not seeing any returns of goods in lettermail.
03-05-2022 11:35 AM
03-06-2022 02:10 PM
Inflation is so difficult to deal with nowadays and it will be felt in so many ways for all of us in the future.
Kids today.
We were paying 22% interest on our (floating) mortgage for a few months in the early 80s before it returned to the 13% we had signed up for.
A lot of the inflation that Americans are seeing, appears to be price gouging by semi-monopolies in the agricultural industry. On the processing end.
The Canadian rate recently increased to 5.1% although we can expect an impact from the petroleum and housing sectors. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/220216/dq220216a-eng.htm
03-06-2022 02:22 PM
" - ever item sent to the USA that isn't classified as paper documents must be registered as a parcel, so tracking will be included."
no...small packets does not have tracking
03-06-2022 03:34 PM
@widgetc wrote:" - ever item sent to the USA that isn't classified as paper documents must be registered as a parcel, so tracking will be included."
no...small packets does not have tracking
Small Packet Air USA
If you manually enter it will track majority of time (Going west and to LA/SF no issues) but only within eBay tracking. Not with CP/USPS tracking.
My tracking report for last 3 months to USA 12 of 13 were sucessfully scanned. The one with no tracking was a USA letter.
Small packet air intl on the other hand will not track in eBay tracking but does in Scandanavian countries from their local postal services along with Spain/Portugal/Cyprus. Does not from my testing work in majority of EU countries including the UK.
03-08-2022 07:59 AM
03-08-2022 09:18 AM
@msmaggie060 wrote:
Hi Lotz, do you know if the tracking works for Switzerland?
Unfortunately unable to confirm. In the past I routinely had orders for many countries in Europe. As of late, crickets.
If anyone else has recently tested additional countries and can confirm one way or the other please add to this post. Link attached for world postal services.
03-08-2022 02:42 PM
I didn't realize Small Packet Air USA has tracking. Where do you enter the tracking number from the label on ebay? When I clicking the tracking from the label order it doesn't show anything and no where to enter the UR# from the label..
03-08-2022 03:17 PM
@grandmas-great-items wrote:
I didn't realize Small Packet Air USA has tracking. Where do you enter the tracking number from the label on ebay? When I clicking the tracking from the label order it doesn't show anything and no where to enter the UR# from the label..
With small packet it doesn't port over automatically. I process with Shippo/CP and always see the UR number. If it is available you can update on your sellers hub in transaction detail, Format is UR ### ### ### CA with no spaces.
If you are generating with eBay Labels not sure if UR number does or doesn't display. From past experience if you made an error entering the first time and attempt to re-enter it may not show any scan details. It is best to enter immediately after creating the label to get it into the system before it gets scanned at time of dropoff. Next available scan will be processed in customs when it reaches the USA.
Side note: For my shipment to Cyprus the 2nd scan was NY before being forwarded on.
There are currently nine IMF locations across the U.S., with one location in Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands respectively and two locations in California. (SF/LAX)
And ??possibly?? Alaska as per a recent post for a shipment heading to PR. 🙂
03-08-2022 03:32 PM
Thanks 😁
They show a different number on the seller hub page that you can click for tracking but just shows "Tracking Number Provided". I save a pdf file of the label that has the UR #. I'm not sure why when purchasing the label that number doesn't automatically upload to ebay order page like Expedited label numbers do? It says I can edit it. This order was almost 2 weeks ago so do you suggest there is no point in me adding the UR number now? It might make the buyer wonder why it changed if they notice it. I will make sure to always update with the UR# in the future.
03-08-2022 03:49 PM
Just to follow up. Actually it doesn't let me change the number to the UR# when you purchase a label on ebay but it does let you add an additional tracking number. Maybe it will be better to purchase shipping labels elsewhere and enter the tracking #.
03-08-2022 03:52 PM
@grandmas-great-items wrote:Thanks 😁
They show a different number on the seller hub page that you can click for tracking but just shows "Tracking Number Provided". I save a pdf file of the label that has the UR #. I'm not sure why when purchasing the label that number doesn't automatically upload to ebay order page like Expedited label numbers do? It says I can edit it. This order was almost 2 weeks ago so do you suggest there is no point in me adding the UR number now? It might make the buyer wonder why it changed if they notice it. I will make sure to always update with the UR# in the future.
In Canadaposts/USPS's eyes it is considered an untracked service. As for the where, I've always entered the UR numbers or if it went letter along a with date(see screenshot). You can also use that field for local pick ups.
Format Date Picked Up + PU....Service Option Pick UP. Save. You may have to play around with a format that someone else hasn't used for the same date.
You can try entering your 2 week old shipment, but it may be too late after the fact to get any scans to display.
03-08-2022 04:12 PM
It really annoys me that ebay puts in a fake tracking number and that we can't delete it. It's confusing to the buyer. For the two weeks old order I wouldn't bother adding in the tracking unless the buyer opens an inr. If you add the UR number now, I think that it will change your ship to date as today or to when the package was first scanned in the US.
03-08-2022 05:02 PM
@pjcdn2005 wrote:It really annoys me that ebay puts in a fake tracking number and that we can't delete it. It's confusing to the buyer. For the two weeks old order I wouldn't bother adding in the tracking unless the buyer opens an inr. If you add the UR number now, I think that it will change your ship to date as today or to when the package was first scanned in the US.
If there is a UR xxx number on your receipt that is what should display in the tracking details vs a transaction ID. As for your 2nd point that is a very bizarre feature of eBay tracking for either a correction or the INR system to update the ship date. There should be no reason with an INR if tracking was entered originally to re-enter. Not sure why eBay even requests.
Most data systems (in house) I've been involved with in the past the standard format for entry was the date shipped, service used and tracking number(s). Many included number of parcels + weight.
According to CP if there is no delivery scan for a tracked service to complete a claim for non delivery you need the following:
(Screenshot/correspondence/emails between you and the addressee confirming that your item has not been received)
(Screenshot/correspondence/emails between you and the addressee confirming their mailing address)
NOTE: At this point we are unable to proceed with the investigation as we do not have the contact information for your addressee. Please provide the receiver's name, email address and/or phone number (email address is preferred) .
During the investigation, we contact the addressee to ensure they have checked all the delivery points for their address and to confirm if the parcel has been delivered since the inquiry was initiated. In rare cases, a delivery scan may not be displayed even though the item has been delivered.
Follow up from CP for a recent claim: We are unable to proceed with the investigation as we do not have the contact information for your addressee. Please provide the receiver's name, email address and/or phone number (email address is preferred) .
Information that is difficult to next to impossible to retrieve within eBay if it's past a certain window. (When most shipments have become late or lost)
04-02-2022 08:40 PM
Same here.. used to be a flat $3.60 to send Cards in a 130pt one touch or less. Went in and its now $9 to send cards that might only sell for $5 on ebay..(Its cheaper to send cards to Europe now ($8.88) Itll hurt everyone and makes NO sense... USPS, CP, Ebay, Buyers and sellers ALL lose in this.
04-02-2022 09:40 PM
@pjcdn2005 wrote:It really annoys me that ebay puts in a fake tracking number and that we can't delete it. It's confusing to the buyer. For the two weeks old order I wouldn't bother adding in the tracking unless the buyer opens an inr. If you add the UR number now, I think that it will change your ship to date as today or to when the package was first scanned in the US.
Interesting nuance with eBay labels from my understanding you are unable to update/modify/change the number that ebay plops in the tracking field. I believe its a non trackable transaction id vs the UR number that is included with the same label. With Shippo, not an issue.
04-02-2022 10:43 PM
Canada Post: /eBay. Bring back light packet or you will lose a lot of business,profit....
11-28-2022 09:49 AM
The people with the power & wealth make all of the decisions in society & it only impacts on the others who struggle through life to keep a roof over their head & food on the table. Another way to separate the dollar from those who already cannot afford a quality life. Another way to resume control over the masses. Now my eBay faces restrictions or suspension due to the flawed & expensive mail system (both in the US & Canada) !! People not receving their mail due to nonsensical returns or delays.