12-22-2015 09:34 PM
On Oct 17/15, I sold a CD to a buyer – Item 191712527304. The buyer was having the item shipped to the US were it would then be reshipped to him in Kazakhstan, where he lives and works. I don’t ship to Kazakhstan but I do ship to the US. I shipped out the next day on Oct 19/15. On Dec 17/15, they buyer left me positive feedback stating "Received quickly and in good condition all the way to Kazakhstan!". He left me 5’s for all the DSR’s. Where the problem is: When he goes to leave feedback, ebay asks the buyer whether he received the CD within the dates (as set by ebay for shipping from Canada to the US). Of course he can only answer yes or no and he answers No because, it was not delivered to him in Kazakhstan within the 2 week period allowed for US shipments. So I get dinged for a late shipment.
I called ebay and speaking with the CSR’s is like speaking to people in a coma. If I hear one more time, “that is the buyers opinion” or “we can’t change that”. “He left you positive feedback and rated all the DSR’s 5, there is nothing we can do.” It was like it was way over their head. I don’t think they even know about the late shipment category. I spent ½ hour trying to explain it to someone who was clueless and he was supposed to be in the escalation department. I was more frustrated speaking to the CSR than anything and I told him that I would be calling back as this was not right. I used to supervise CSR’s in a large federal department and these CSR’s would have been let go a long time ago.
I know that in the last 2 months I have sent several CD’s to addresses in the US which forward them on to countries I don’t ship to. When they go to leave feedback it is going to ask whether they received the CD within the time period from Canada to the US. I can just see this becoming an issue for me.
Any advice?
12-23-2015 11:40 AM - edited 12-23-2015 11:45 AM
I feel your pain. The only thing I can think to advise you to do is make a Big Stink about it at the next eBay Canada Board Hour in January. And complain on ebay.com while you're at it. And to the blog, e-commerce ebytes. As I have insisted from the onset, there needs to be a third option for The Question which is, 'I Don't Know/Remember or Doesn't Apply to me'. Eventually, someone in apposition of power at ebay will have to hear and listen to us.
Oh, I guess you could also warn a buyer in a case like this where they have had their mail forwarded from the address you shipped it to that when they answer that question, it is based on the FIRST leg of their journey, the one you are responsible for assuming that your stuff went where it was supposed to within the time frame allotted. Make a point of it in your back-and-forth communication with the buyer, assuming there is some. If not, use your packing slip to do it. I don't think violates any of our rules. Stop short of telling them HOW to answer, though.
As to the Feedback Specialists and Customer Service Reps in general, don't get me started. I can handle the minor frustrations from buyers at times but I draw the line at being victimized by ignorance and deceit at the hands of Customer Service. And, sorry, that's the blunt truth. Anyone reading my post now need only search the boards for 'And Now For Something Completely Different, Last night I Lost it....' to learn more. That was the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back for me.
When speaking with CSRs, take names and times and ask for the report number of your call. Always.
12-23-2015 02:39 PM
That's ridiculous! How unfair. Although I've sort of had a hunch, so usually (as a buyer) I simply don't click Yes or No when I leave feedback and the parcel was a couple days late. Not their fault, and besides that's what the "How fast did the seller ship the item?" DSR is for, no?
If only more buyers were aware, they could just select nothing and do the seller a favour. That is, assuming they care at all haha.
12-23-2015 03:26 PM
When he goes to leave feedback, ebay asks the buyer whether he received the CD within the dates (as set by ebay for shipping from Canada to the US). Of course he can only answer yes or no and he answers No because, it was not delivered to him in Kazakhstan within the 2 week period allowed for US shipments. So I get dinged for a late shipment.
Did you know for sure that the item was received by his mailing forwarding center before the U.S. estimated delivery date?
Did the buyer tell you that he based the 'no answer' on the date that he received the item in his own country?