I received an e-mail from some manager in eBay thanking members on eBay Canada for their co-operation with eliminating the selling of goods on eBay.ca in US dollars to make it much better. In addition they initiated this 500 item free listing Promotion on eBay.ca
My problem is I tried my best at listing under those promotions using below cost prices and nothing seems to render any significant interest; whether it be hits, watchers, offers or whatever. It just seems that eBay.com is the only site where I stand any chance of selling anything and those sold numbers are horrendous. I'm tired of beating the same drum but I couldn't resist having received this 500 item PROMOTION described as being such a wonderful gift from eBay. I know how to use eBay.com and that's a choice Canadian Sellers have BUT how cumbersome it is to estimate fixed rate shipping costs and in every auction explain why they should consider it an estimate only. Really Great system!!!