08-03-2016 06:22 AM
It is August 3, 2016
No GTC listings in US dollars can be listed on eBay Canada......starting today
If there is a GTC listing in US dollars on eBay Canada, as of today.... It will be ended when its 30 day listing period ends...
Good-bye US dollars on eBay Canada.....
08-04-2016 02:19 AM
Orig 1947 DORIS HOUCK - DOROTHY BRADY Swimsuits.. DIVING BOARD BEAUTIES! Item # 272202075401 listed on eBay.ca renewed on AUG.4/16 at around 1:00 AM.
I don't know why this one was renewed after the deadline.... ?
08-04-2016 03:59 AM
All of the ones that renewed on the 3rd renewed after the deadline so perhaps it isn't working yet.
...........beginning on Wednesday, August 3rd, all remaining Good ‘Til Cancelled (GTC) listings created on eBay.ca in US dollars will be ended by eBay as they reach their first scheduled renewal date on or after August 3rd.
08-04-2016 05:28 AM
When I look at the listings ZI get the impression that the listings are on eBay.com.
Shipping to the US Is indicated as .... Economy Shipping from outside US
There is no mention of Canada Post, something that would show if the listings were on eBay Canada.
08-04-2016 06:14 AM
"There is no mention of Canada Post,"
Actually there is if you look at shipping to the USA (enter USA as destination with ZIP code)
08-04-2016 08:00 AM
Look at
08-04-2016 10:55 AM
Yes, item # 272265381496 was created on eBay.com..