Oh no. Sellers Hub

I have sellers hub on one of my sites. I wish I never opted in. I cant opt out any more, so don't Opt in till you know what you are getting into.


This is a Beta style page. You will again have to learn your navigation through the page. Offers you nothing that you don't already have.


Once again , more of nothing. When was the last time that you can think of when Ebay introduced a tool that help you the seller. Somehow this is nothing more than the bottom line for Ebay.



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Oh no. Sellers Hub

It appears as if they're going to force it on everyone soon, regardless of whether they've chosen to opt in or not. Is there anyway to opt out (and by that I mean to keep it out for those who haven't yet opted in)? I already know that for those who have opted in, there is no way to get rid of it now. But I'm hoping if you HAVEN'T gotten it yet, maybe you can keep it out somehow? Anyone?

Message 2 of 10
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Oh no. Sellers Hub

Seller Hub is here to stay, better get used to it now, if you haven't got it yet,  it is just a matter of time..  And if you opted out, Guess what??  It doesn't matter now either, you are going to get it ..

Message 3 of 10
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Oh no. Sellers Hub

Seller Hub is here to stay.  The best thing to do is to sit there in front of the computer and learn how to use it.


Yesterday was my first day with eBay's Seller Hub.... the learning has started...  always looking to see what has happened...  is happening ..... and make it happen


Things like this have happened before,  and we adjust....

Message 4 of 10
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Oh no. Sellers Hub

I really hate all the useless changes being made by ebay lately. I don't have time to relearn all the new stuff.  I do have a busy life outside of eBay especially looking after elderly parents & do not appreciate complicating my selling on this site.

Message 5 of 10
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Oh no. Sellers Hub

I wouldn't mind Seller Hub if it came with the features that ebay Canada initially told us it was coming with. Like actual Promotions Manager and not just markdowns pretending to be promotions. We've always had markdown manager, it's not like it's something special to people with a stores subscription.  I need access to coupons for my customers and to be able to Buy One Get One promos like all sellers on ebay.com have taken for granted all these years.

Message 6 of 10
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Oh no. Sellers Hub

Not applicable

It doesn't matter if there is "opt out" because it is a mandatory by eBay and I don't like the new format as the active pages are messy and not in alphabetic order and I cannot find the specific items to edit.  And what more they removed "see other items".


How the heck are we supposed to see the sellers's other items if "see other items" is removed?  It means that we cannot check the sellers's items and also the buyers cannot check my other items meaning less, less, less sales, is that what eBay wants???!!!


It seems to me that eBay has become more and more and more insane.  They claim that  the seller hub will make our business better.  What is wrong with our present businesses??  Duh to eBay!!


Famous Moto:  Do NOT fix if it is NOT broken!!  What eBay is doing, they are fixing when it is NOT BROKEN!!  It is insane.  Those people at eBay must have too much time on their hands, having to create something insane like Seller hub!!  Lay them off if there is nothing for them to do!!

Message 7 of 10
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Oh no. Sellers Hub

"I really hate all the useless changes being made by ebay lately. I don't have time to relearn all the new stuff."


Plus all the time spent learning is time not spent listing and and I have more stuff to list than I will ever find time to list so this is costing both eBay and myself money.

Message 8 of 10
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Oh no. Sellers Hub

I do not have a store on eBay and can still opt in, opt out of Seller Hub at will, on dotCOM as well as on  dotCA....

I do like the ability to copy draft listings as well as the ability to see ALL the draft listings , not just the first 20....

I do agree when opted in to Sellers Hub, the listings in "Active" are A Big MESS and that's a main reason for me not to stay opted in to the Sellers Hub....I want to be able to see my listings in the order as I list them, not in the jumbled mess Sellers Hub shows them.

Message 9 of 10
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Oh no. Sellers Hub

yes make me wonder why the option to opt out is even still visible ??  if we will have no choice shortly why continue do dangle the carrot......

Message 10 of 10
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