Price Matching your own prices ?

Are we required by some regulation to price-match own price for completed orders ? I don't think we are ...


There is a first for everything. A customer, online merchant - big business, already received order and now demands credit because my today's USD prices are lower than week ago when she placed it. Comes whooping to $2.67 difference on $300+ order, she even took time to list all 8 lines, quantities and prices in email and sum it 😛 She sent email and left voice-mail. Stunning 🙂

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Re: Price Matching your own prices ?


Message 2 of 22
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Re: Price Matching your own prices ?

Of course not................. ebay is still an auction site at heart with prices all over the board.


But why not just roll your eyes and do it?  Like you said:  It's only $2.67 and it will give you something to talk about.........:).



Message 3 of 22
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Re: Price Matching your own prices ?

Are we required by some regulation to price-match own price for completed orders ? I don't think we are ...


Not required but it's a pretty common practice. What's really stunning is that you are making an issue of it.



"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 4 of 22
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Re: Price Matching your own prices ?

It's not a problem, but conversation topic. My question was about the commercial regulations and I was impressed business person took 10-15min to claim $3 questionable credit. It is actually interesting. You bash me for mentioning it in ebay forum conversation, just seems like you needed to kick something and I was the first one in the way.

Message 5 of 22
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Re: Price Matching your own prices ?

Community Member

I've had customers that do that where they bought a cartridge off me and 1-2 weeks later, they find it on sale for $5 cheaper on my website. If they ask, I have no problem refunding the difference but I encourage them to stock up at the sale price. More often than not, they order more right then and there. That's only IF they ask for it. I won't offer them the price difference out of the blue.


For $2 and some change, it's worth it to keep a customer happy and they keep buying from you.


Does law or eBay rules require it? No. Good business practice? yes.

Message 6 of 22
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Re: Price Matching your own prices ?

I You bash me for mentioning it in ebay forum conversation, just seems like you needed to kick something and I was the first one in the way.


Well, I thought that was unpleasant and uncalled for as well.


I guess I'm not alone when it comes to getting bashed on here.


Message 7 of 22
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Re: Price Matching your own prices ?

Me and recped had issues in the past and he seems to still hold the grudge. Can't blame him, I am temperamental. Where I come from guys fight to death in the morning and drink and laugh together in afternoon. Recped is all right, he usually knows what he talks about.


I thought about this and decided not to implement any PM:


1) it's only $3 for me, but it's also only $3 for the customer


2) Generally this kind of things become widely used and then it becomes administration nightmare. I started offering free shipping coupons on my website (true free shipping, not included) and now over 50% customers is using them. There is conditions and many times I get emails that coupon did not work. Duh, read conditions, minimum order, maximum weight for given shipping service.


3) Imagine asking Ebay to retroactively apply discount when they have Free Listing Offer on all 5000 listings you paid for in the last 30 days. Also DELL runs the deal of the day so people keep checking the site and I dont see them apply it retroactively. Doesn't seem to hurt their bottom line. Imagine asking the government after lowering the tax rate to apply it to your last year return. Retroactive price-match is unnatural.


BestBuy has price-match policy, but it's a hit and miss. I tried this once and they refused with no reason, so I did not buy that item and remember being frustrated with them. I cant even remember if I tried to PM anywhere again, most likely not. Same for mail-in-rebates, you spend 1/2hr filling the form and half of them never shows up. These are dirty marketing practices.

Message 8 of 22
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Re: Price Matching your own prices ?

"so I did not buy that item and remember being frustrated with them"


And that my friend is the answer to your question.


The way you felt when a vendor refused to allow you a promotional pricing may be the same way your customer may feel eventually about that $2.67 refund.


From time to time I have seen customers pointing out they recently purchased an item at the listed fixed price in my eBay store only to find the same item offered at a discount the following week. In all instances I quickly refunded the difference.


Now, not everyone runs their business the same way. We all select the marketing methods that work best for us.




Message 9 of 22
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Re: Price Matching your own prices ?

I have had this happen to me.. I just told them my prices change all the time and i always have sales so i do not refund the difference if my prices changes...


customer understood and didn't buck me anymore and left me perfect 5 star ..


today i can sell it for $10 tomorrow someone list for $9.49 then bam my price is now $8.99 ...


It is the way things happen and i am not refunding everyone for it not a chance

Message 10 of 22
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Re: Price Matching your own prices ?

On ebay the idea of refunding when prices vary is kind of wonky and not the same as Walmart etc.


IMO the main reason for that is because eBay is still an auction site at heart.


No one would dream of asking for a refund because an auction closed higher one week than the next.


Separating Fixed Price from Auction items in that respect is possible, but still conceptually the whole issue gets distorted by the fact that items here sell for what they sell for.

One week an item might sell for $25 and the next for $75. I see it all the time.  We all do.


In any event, it's only a few dollars and so the money isn't an issue in this case.


However, if the difference were $100 that would change the picture.......... IMO.



In other words:  This discussion is really about $2.67 and not the principle of honouring price fluctuations................ isn't it?




Message 11 of 22
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Re: Price Matching your own prices ?

Now, not everyone runs their business the same way. We all select the marketing methods that work best for us.


Thats what it comes down to.


Not sure if you were asking but on a 300 dollar order i would refund the 2.67 difference.


When the buyer has taken the time to list all eight lines, quantities & price i would probably be concerned about DSRs & Feedback if i did not refund.


Cannot add much to this discussion as this has never happened to me previously.

Message 12 of 22
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Re: Price Matching your own prices ?

"because eBay is still an auction site at heart."


Twice you made the same comment on this thread.




eBay is primarily a fixed price ecommerce site (more than 2/3 of the total value of all transactions are at fixed price). 

The original poster generally sells at fixed price and there is no mention anywhere that the small price difference is caused by fluctuating auction results.

Message 13 of 22
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Re: Price Matching your own prices ?



There is no right or wrong in this discussion.

There are only opinions and ideas.


May I suggest that the next time, before you hit the send button that you count to ten, take a walk, or go lick a few stamps before you post.


Settle down already!



Message 14 of 22
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Re: Price Matching your own prices ?

Of course there are differing opinions & ideas & sometimes there is on right or wrong in regards to posts.


Try adding to your statements " beacause ebay is still an auction site at heart" could be replaced with " some buyers & sellers still consider ebay as an auction site at heart."


That would be an opinion we could all agree with.

Message 15 of 22
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Re: Price Matching your own prices ?

bb............ sure.


If it puts a stop to this nonsense I'll preface all my comments with IMO.



Message 16 of 22
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Re: Price Matching your own prices ?

Keep in mind you opinions & sometimes, blanket statements will be questioned, it is not a personal attack.


Add more to your statements, ask for other sellers experiences. Simple.


You have made some good points the last six months.



Message 17 of 22
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Re: Price Matching your own prices ?

Please............ let's not turn this thread into one of "those" again.


I'm also very well aware that I have a stalker and the attacks are indeed personal.

Are you kidding me?



You want me to write even more?  

Sure, but I'm not sure everyone would agree with you. 



bb........... may I say............. that you too have improved during the last 6 months.........:)

Message 18 of 22
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Re: Price Matching your own prices ?

"so I did not buy that item and remember being frustrated with them"


And that my friend is the answer to your question.


Difference is BestBuy advertises Price-Match, and I went there confident I would get it. It is different from fishing: "Do you price-match?".


She spent $300 and she got good deal. She is a re-seller and those were mostly items that move well. I have more problem with re-sellers wiping my stock than keeping them coming back, at some point I made it a sale condition that If you purchase entire or significant portion of our stock for particular item, we may prioritize and serve lower quantity orders first. Your order may be delayed while we replenish depleted item.


That does not mean I don't want her back in my shop, but don't mind if person who asks for $3 credit shops elsewhere next time. Fact that she spent $300 means nothing, I could have probably got $400 for those items in smaller orders, maybe even $500.



Message 19 of 22
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Re: Price Matching your own prices ?

Me and recped had issues in the past and he seems to still hold the grudge.


I don't recall any issues of any sort? I don't hold grudges against anyone for any reason and certainly not over any minor disagreement on a discussion board.




"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 20 of 22
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