Resellers doing Buyers remorse returns, Anyone Else?

I had a buyer (who is actually a reseller) buy one of my scarves. A few days later she bought another one. She emails me she wanted to return the first one. I am like fine, I do allow returns. The reason "it doesn't fit". Ok, whatever. She just got the second one. I was like, I am curious why the second return. She says "the stitching isn't the same as my other scarves", and the silk isn't the same quality. Well I know these item are both authentic because they were my grandmothers and she bought directly from the hermes store. So I call the person on it and say why don't you just be honest. She says, I am "look at all the items I have sold". This account only has items she has bought. Anyways, she is clearly abusing the return system. I allow returns for items that are not as described. I am guessing there is nothing I can really do about this. I know that the die hard ebay kiss butts on here will say "so what", don't sell it if you can't afford to lose it. Blah blah blah. I want to know why ebay doesn't have a filter for people who do returns. I want to know who these people are so I can block them. 

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Re: Resellers doing Buyers remorse returns, Anyone Else?

Community Member

All you can do is add the 'Crack' to your Block list.

Hopefully they don't retaliate with neg feedback.

If they've already left decent feedback , you're good to go

I have discovered, they will still be able to communicate via previous purchases, but can no longer buy or bid.

Eventually they get the message and go away.


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Re: Resellers doing Buyers remorse returns, Anyone Else?

I can understand being annoyed when someone returns something...especially two things but you accept returns so that means accepting them even for any reason.


With that being said, I agree with the other poster that you should block that buyer.


You can put in your shipping/returns area that you will not refund original shipping for returns so that you are not out that money. However, some buyers may bypass that by claiming that an item is not as described in which case you will have to refund them in full and pay return shipping.

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Re: Resellers doing Buyers remorse returns, Anyone Else?

yah I did block them immediately after the first return. But they had already purchased a second item. I have no problem with returns for a valid reason. I do have problem with a shopaholic buying and not even opening the item. I got it back today unopened. I am waiting for the second to come back. 

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Re: Resellers doing Buyers remorse returns, Anyone Else?

The reseller did not open a Dispute?

That's good. You've already blocked her so there should be no problem. Just annoyance.

The seller did open a Dispute?

How is she going to prove she returned the item if the package was unopened? She will lose the Dispute.

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