Sales Record page changed to render it useless

Today, the Sales Record page display changed without warning, rendering it absolutely useless.

I used this page with every transaction to manage all my data about a transaction: the size and weight of shipment, Customs details, actual shipping costs et cetera. It kept all my information together in a condensed manner which could then be downloaded through the File Management Centre. It was the only critical feature offered to sellers by ebay as far as I am concerned. 
There is nowhere now on the Sales Record for MY notes which, as far as I am concerned, are the most important notes of all. I can get all the information left on the Sales Record page elsewhere. It tells me nothing more than the Order Details view does. Now I’m going to have to manage all of my ebay sales data outside of ebay. More work for me. 
Therefore ebay has taken what was once to sellers a valuable feature — the Sales Record — and rendered it absolutely useless.
Have the people who suggest these 'improvements'  ever actually used ebay to sell?
Obviously not.
I’m extremely irate about this unpleasant surprise.
Yes, I emailed my Comments to them using the link from Seller Hub.


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Re: Sales Record page changed to render it useless

Community Member

Hi @momcqueen - I've gotten your feedback to the team in charge of rolling out this update and requested any input they have to get you the detail you need from the page. I'll keep you posted as I hear back from them. 

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Re: Sales Record page changed to render it useless

Thank you, I appreciate that.


I'm sorry to be so openly annoyed about this but the fields where a seller could input their own (important) data and 'save' were crucial to my operational workflow and I cannot fathom the reason it would be eliminated especially because those data fields saved to the exportable file through the File Management Centre.


Order Details contains more useful information than does a Sales Record now. 


Without a functional Sales Record, I'm going to have to start using third-party software to manage all the important data associated with my ebay sales which feels superfluous and unwelcome to me. Considering Seller Hub is supposed to be the be-all and end-all tool for sellers on ebay, this is a massive step backwards. I used this function of the Sales Record will ALL my sales for more than six years of selling. 


I cannot seem to contain my displeasure about this.



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Re: Sales Record page changed to render it useless

Actually, I must provide an update with my hat in my hands.


Tyler put me in touch with the person responsible for the change and we had an in-depth discussion over the phone earlier this evening about Seller Hub (which I've liked from the start) and the missing data fields on the Sales Record (which got my knickers twisted) and I am assured of a few things: 

(a) Someone like David (to whom I spoke today) really is listening to what sellers have to say about the changes ebay makes to things;

(b) Human people actually have to read the angry emails that get sent to ebay via the Comments section of the Seller Hub page like the one that I whipped off when I was at the height of my fury over it for which I am not just a little embarrassed now;

(c) It's possible for a seller to return to the old Sales Record if they need to until it's no longer possible for anyone to do that, and

(d) I was one of only a very small percentage of sellers who used those fields for anything, never mind everything like I did for every one of a couple thousand orders over a period of six years.


I'm still left to question, though, if virtually no other sellers used those fields for anything, where on earth do other sellers  keep all their data on transactions for taxes?


I used those Sales Records fields to: store weight and size of boxes shipped; quality and value of free gift with purchase; actual postage cost; taxes paid on postage cost; all customs documentation for international orders; and other pertinent details about the buyer like if it were a pickup when precisely the item was picked-up and paid, or anything else that might be important.


Do other sellers create separate spreadsheets on their computers to track these things because they are better accountants than am I? Or am I the only person claiming their ebay sales as income? That cannot be the case. 


Anyway, all is back to good. Phew.

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