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Sales down 50% since 2107. Have revised my ebay listings several times and still can not get on BEST MATCH. US Buyer are 96% of my sales. We have 900 and 900 listings in both dollars. Considering Crazylister help to fix. Any...
Hi everyone .... long time I haven't been receiving payment notifications for about a week now. I know this has happened on occasion in the past and then we would receive them all at once. But it's never taken a week to get them. I checked my prefere...
Even now, I still enjoy selling on ebay. The last couple of years have been a challenge, glitches galore, missing photos, slower sales, way more work, but there have been a few positives that makes selling here worthwhile. Most Canadian sellers alrea...
It grates because I was hustled. There was no 'missing' anything in their bundle, I don't make that kind of mistake because I follow a time-tested process, and everything the buyer said and did screamed, 'Gimme something, I still want what you sold a...
Hello, So my buyer has requested a refund stating item "Doesn't match description or photos". The item in question a ladies top, 100% matches description and photos. It is just that it is a small, and all measurements are included in the listing, but...
By invite only -- check your promo section on ebay.CA or your emails Benefit: If the qualified item sells, only a $1 FVF on item value and $1 FVF on shipping (if you do not have free Canadian shipping). First 5 listings made after you activate the of...
Is Ebay making progress re-negotiating reasonable shipping rates with CPC or are we stuck paying the already ridiculously high rates offered by CPC?
From the USPS website:"Alert: Due to Hurricane Florence, many Post Offices in the projected path have or will suspend operations.Deliveries and other services in the region will also be affected." Hopefully ebay will make allowances for delivery time...
I mailed a pkg to the US and USPS returned it to me with a sticker that read Unable to Deliver and written on pkg it said wrong name and not known at address. Checked with buyer and address on pkg is correct and I also was able to see the house on Go...
So long story short.. i had a buyer who purchased 8 items, they were all sent in one package.. Buyer opened 8 cases of item not received.. i provided tracking, and all cases were my favor.. Now my service metric update shows 8 items not r...
I am on the phone with ebay and have been for the last hour. I have about 630 listings on .ca. I have a store that allows me 1000 free listings and then I had the extra 500 because of the photo fiasco. I used 26 out of the 500. Yesterday, I had about...
Once again, I find myself wondering if the cons of shipping Worldwide really do outweighs the pros. Looking at the Buyer Block log as I occasionally do, I see I missed about $250 in sales to two buyers in blocked countries, one in Saudi Arabia and th...
Hey guys! So this is the second message I get from this person.Both time I called eBay anchor store support and was told to ignore it. I have very little items from those brands and it wouldn't be they end of the world to remove them but I don't want...
I'm wondering if they will offer it for a third straight year or abandon it because they're in the midst of labour negotiations. I couldn't find anything from Canada Post about a 2018 campaign, but maybe it's just too soon for that.
I noticed that we cannot access to the information of how many left on com. I can see the information on ca but not com, so how the heck can we knew how many left auction style and fixed priced auction on com? Anyone knew or is it just another glitch...
I tried to list an item with 12 pictures, I got to 8 pictures, and there was no way to add the others, even though it says "list 4 more pictures". Anyone else having this problem?
This subject was discussed a while back and I think I have a good solution for anyone who is selling from Canada to different countries...ex., US, Australia, Europe, UK, Japan, etc. I have recently found a solution that helped many different ebay com...
Hello,I am having a hard time finding this elusive shipping supplies coupon code for this quarter of 2018.Does anyone know where they hide it and how to access it?I did not receive an email with the code like they promised.I have a basic store subscr...
If yes (which is what the update said btw) PLEASE fix it so the listing form/bulk editor reflects this. Right now I STILL am getting warnings when I relist and the drop down menu for new listings ONLY has 30 or 60.
For long time didnt have a time to browse around the platform but what i just saw shocked me .I browsed in two categories handbags and luggage .Sellers misrepresent the location of their items and imagine they are top rated even all the negative feed...
An email just arrived from dot com regarding eBay's September Policy Updates. Here are the "Highlights". Hopefully, a similar letter will be drafted by dot ca to Canadapost, but not holding my breath. As for the USA to Canada De Minimus, we know how ...
Hello everyone for the life of me I cannot read the artist signature! I have tried Pico, Fico...nothing. Looks like Tin Tin... Does anyone recognize this artists work or can read the signature? This is from an estate sale in Senneville Quebec. thanks...
Traffic reports are stuck at Aug.28th.Seller Level (Global) is stuck at Sept.1Please EBAY, update the stats!
Received a credit card bill, saying, with the potential Canada Post strike, here are your options.. I almost forgot it was that time again,, anyone heard anything.. I know last time / I think 2 years ago, I put my store on vacation mode, with hidden ...
I got my account restricted on my account due to copyright issues. I was selling dropship items and some of the images were the problem. When I called eBay to ask them about it, I was told: "Normally we give a few warnings, but for you, we decided no...
The photos that should be in the description of an Auctiva listing are not being shown on eBay An absolute mess on all of my Auctiva listings All of my photos are showing with the gallery photo at the upper left corner of a listing on eBay. I am save...
Ebay no longer values the individual auctioneer. If you are a recording enthusiast that has sought after professional recording equipment for sale, and you want to sell your sought after stuff...there are other sites that will only charge you 3.5% of...
Found this by accident while looking for something else.
This is so frustrating... A greenhorn buyer, not knowing how the system works, claimed an item not received. Not even 2 hours later we answered his request and said sorry for the inconvenience and if they would be able to wait for another couple of d...
hi, so i have many cellphone broken that i sell for parts or not working. ebay seam like the right place for that... i think its clearly stated... broken, no return for parts etc, i dont see how i can state it more clear.. the thing is i always got m...