03-17-2025 11:30 PM - edited 03-17-2025 11:30 PM
I checked this forum for USPS delays post - didn't find anything. Am I alone?
Several of my items are stuck at Queens and Indianapolis USPS transit hubs since 1 month or longer.
Just 10 min. ago I sent another refund for an INR. This literally kills my business - I don't know, what to do.
I called CP CS - they told me the Canadian items are now going through an idditional inspection.
Anyone here experiences the same problem?
I sent a replacement a few days ago throught ChitChats to a buyer, who was waiting for his item since 5 weeks. The replacement went through smoothly, without any problem.
Look at this! It's a package shipped to one of my very old customers in Texas. Usually it took 7-10 days. And how it looks now:
03-22-2025 11:04 AM
I use TRACKED PACKAGE - USA for every item I ship to the USA via Canada Post, which service do you use?
03-22-2025 12:22 PM - edited 03-22-2025 12:39 PM
I suppose we all use the same Tracked Packet service - it's now the cheapest one.
All of them cross the border quickly, and then - after reaching the next USPS transit hub - display "in transit to the next facility" message indefinitely. Some are stuck there since 6 weeks.
They are all paper items, so no content issue is possible (any lithium batteries, metal parts or whatever).
03-22-2025 01:27 PM
Tracked package via Canada Post. Same as you.
03-22-2025 04:31 PM - edited 03-22-2025 04:31 PM
@tuckhouse2021 @38e_avenue Hum, I wonder if it is because they are flat items, how thick are your average packages?
Mine are all min 5-7 cm I prefer to thicken the package when possible without affecting the weight limits.
Ave 21cm by 20cm by 5 cm of course is my average dimensions avg weights 99-125 grams, figurines.
03-22-2025 04:40 PM
It seems to depend on what hub the packages go through. There's some resellers on YouTube who have shifted many of their shipments to UPS because of delays at certain USPS hubs, so it's not just an issue with Canadian packages.
That said, Canadian packages are a bit delayed getting through customs as well. In the past it would take 3 days for an item to leave my house and clear customs, and now it's often 6 to 7 days. I would say the best thing you can do is use the full 10 digit HTS code and a clear simple description of the item. That won't help with hub issues in the USA, but it might help with clearing customs a little easier.
03-22-2025 05:08 PM
I ship out of Montreal, You?
This is a typical merry go round current example...
03-22-2025 05:13 PM
Montreal Canada to Texas USA
03-22-2025 05:17 PM
@brettjet38 wrote:@tuckhouse2021 @38e_avenue Hum, I wonder if it is because they are flat items, how thick are your average packages?
Mine are all min 5-7 cm I prefer to thicken the package when possible without affecting the weight limits.
Ave 21cm by 20cm by 5 cm of course is my average dimensions avg weights 99-125 grams, figurines.
They are different. 50% go as thick letters (but as TP label, because I need tracking). The are 80g / 25 x 20 x 3 cm, but I always put 100 g / 20 x 25 x 5 cm - just to be sure to never have any weight / dimension issues. Other 40% go in tubes - 200 g / 45 x 6 cm (I put 250 g / 50 x 10 cm for the reason mentioned above). 10 % goes as "normal" large and heavy packages. I never had any weight/dimension issue in the past.
All items going to Canada must be put additionally into a box to avoid the infamous tube surcharge. This weird surcharge doesn't (fortunately) apply to Tracked Packet.
03-22-2025 05:23 PM
@flipistics wrote:It seems to depend on what hub the packages go through. item. That won't help with hub issues in the USA, but it might help with clearing customs a little easier.
I can confirm that. All my late items were stuck at 2 hubs: Queens and Indianapolis. All items sent to other hubs move quickly througt the USPS network. It started in the mid of January ...
03-22-2025 06:34 PM
@brettjet38 wrote:I ship out of Montreal, You?
I'm in northern Ontario. Most of mine seem to go through Toronto and then Chicago.