Why don't shipping charges carry over with Offers?

I thought I remember reading about this issue but couldn't find it. I recently had a buyer reach out to me after my auctions had ended asking if some of the items were still available because he wanted to buy them (five of them). I told him sure and I re-listed them as Buy it Now and had the Make an Offer option turned on since I wanted to make sure I could send him a combined shipping invoice and sometimes with Buy it Now it makes them pay right away. I did this and I got the You've Made a Sale notices and he messaged me to send the combined invoice. I sent the combined invoice with shipping and a short while later payment came through but with no shipping charge attached. I looked on the order details and there was no shipping showing so I called eBay to see what they could tell at their end (and to make sure invoice had been sent correctly) and they said yes the invoice had gone through but the buyer had paid directly from the offers so the shipping charge was not attached. I thought the shipping charge linked to the items always carried forward with offers? Maybe I was just lucky in the past and other buyers had paid from the invoice directly. Does anyone know how the shipping works with offers? I should also point out I had the "Automatically accept offers of at least....." Because I already knew the price and it "automatically accepted", I didn't get the "You have an offer", maybe that's the reason. eBay suggested cancelling the orders and re-listing them with the shipping charge attached and to let the buyer know of course. I was very lucky as buyer was super nice guy and had no problem with me doing this. He appologized for not using the invoice sent, said he'd seen it come in but from habit paid the way he usally did. Just wanting to be prepared for next time as not everyone would be as understanding. Shipping was almost 2 kilograms to the US so a bit much for free shipping.

Have others had offers with no shipping attached even though they thought it was there?

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Why don't shipping charges carry over with Offers?

I don't have the offer option so I haven't had the problem but I have heard of it happening the odd time. However, the shipping is supposed to carry over with the offer. 

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Why don't shipping charges carry over with Offers?

Thanks that's what I thought! I usually try and avoid the offers too but have used it from time to time (if someone had directly asked me I would add it) and this is the first time shipping was removed. With so many changes here lately, I wasn't sure if it was just my bad luck or something else.

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