ebay buyer returns broken item - We ask ebay seller protection for help - Selling on ebay

I was recommended this to watch, all eBay Sellers should...




...and this is the follow-up.



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ebay buyer returns broken item - We ask ebay seller protection for help - Selling on ebay

I haven't watched your links yet but starting in April there will be 'some' seller protection for TRS when an item is returned damaged


Starting April 1, 2020, Top Rated Sellers who reside in Canada and list on eBay.ca or eBay.com will receive additional protections benefits when they offer 30-day-or-longer returns. They are eligible for a shipping label credit for false “item not as described” claims, and they can protect themselves by deducting up to 50% from refunds for decreased value on used or damaged returns.



Message 2 of 22
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ebay buyer returns broken item - We ask ebay seller protection for help - Selling on ebay

...maybe you should watch the video before you "type"...


This is about the daft 50% refunds/credits to the Sellers disadvantage, but not always!


Thanks for your comment but it should be based on actually watching the video, beforehand.


Instead of defending "eBay" and it's "updates"...


After all, you are one of the "5" 😉

Message 3 of 22
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ebay buyer returns broken item - We ask ebay seller protection for help - Selling on ebay

Thanks for posting the links. I was thinking of doing the same. I've been a subscriber to the Hills channel for over three years.
I urge anyone who wants info on selling on ebay to watch the many hours of videos they've posted over the years. They've been selling online for many years and have also run their own bricks and mortar stores in the past.
They're good people and have had an interesting journey in retail.
Message 4 of 22
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ebay buyer returns broken item - We ask ebay seller protection for help - Selling on ebay

Exactly, I have also dealt with eBay CS on a situation very similar to this...

...it's also why so many Sellers left eBay!


All Sellers should watch this video and the others from "The Hills" I was also "cringing" with eBay CS responses and "policies", I record any conversation I have with their CS.



Message 5 of 22
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ebay buyer returns broken item - We ask ebay seller protection for help - Selling on ebay

I'm certainly not defending ebay but simply passing on info that may help someone in the future.  Obviously it isn't the ideal option but it is an option in some cases.


I don't agree with ebay's policy of having the seller pay for a return and having to compensate the buyer even when there is clear evidence that the buyer is at fault...lying etc. 


Don't assume that those of us who post information about the gsp, ebay policies etc agree with all of the policies. I can only speak for myself but I find that it is more helpful to give information on how things work than to simply complain about it.

Message 6 of 22
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ebay buyer returns broken item - We ask ebay seller protection for help - Selling on ebay

Wow that is pretty bad on the part of eBay. While these sellers may get their refund eventually what about all the ones who have been scammed & won’t? Sincerely hope they will change their policies but not holding my breath as they usually favour the buyers.

Message 7 of 22
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ebay buyer returns broken item - We ask ebay seller protection for help - Selling on ebay

...exactly, that is the point.


For every 1 Seller who does win, how many lose!


Read the YouTube comments from other Sellers on the Video.


And, to hear eBay admit that this whole situation is "Cringe" worthy and exposes serious holes in their system and policies towards Sellers is interesting.

Message 8 of 22
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ebay buyer returns broken item - We ask ebay seller protection for help - Selling on ebay

"I can only speak for myself but I find that it is more helpful to give information on how things work than to simply complain about it."


This post was not asking for any info, nor was it "complaining" it was passing along information about eBay's slanted Return Policies and the sheer stupidity of them at times, to the point where eBay admits as much!


Did you get around to watching them yet?


Do you have any comments, thoughts about the actual videos?


Evidently not, as you have "ghosted" them from your train of thought and replies.


BTW, If I have any questions about eBay policy or updates I will specifically ask about that issue in a specific post related to the issue in question (I do not have any at the moment, thanks), this post was not a query for information, it was to pass along information from two very good UK eBay Sellers.


Who pushed back and got a reply from the office of the president of eBay & what a reply it was...


I recommend all Sellers to watch this clip if you have not already



Message 9 of 22
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ebay buyer returns broken item - We ask ebay seller protection for help - Selling on ebay

I'd like to ad that the only reason the Hills got such a response from ebay when the video went, to use an unpopular word at the moment, "Viral" was because they are very well known and respected members of the youtube Reseller community. The Hills have been in various forms of retail business for over 20 years. They have posted hundreds of informative and helpful videos on their channel. If you search their videos you will see there was even a time when they had several videos with actual ebay employees on the channel. You've got to have a pretty respected reputation for that to happen!
Message 10 of 22
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ebay buyer returns broken item - We ask ebay seller protection for help - Selling on ebay

...exactly. And why it is important as Sellers to get your information off-site from members also, they are not "restrained" in their postings in what is posted.


The Hills "situation" is much more common than one would think & from all the responses from fellow eBay Sellers (look at all the comments and stories being told about the "Seller will gag, return policy") who are being abused and which was confirmed as such by eBay themselves, in the reply to the Hills original post.


In general, most Buyers are great and a pleasure to deal with, then you have ones like the one in the video...


The trick with eBay is to back yourself up and post it on UnSocialMedia, it evidently works if you have "followers"


...And KEEP SAFE EVERYONE in this COVID19 situation.

Message 11 of 22
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ebay buyer returns broken item - We ask ebay seller protection for help - Selling on ebay

I tried to watch this very long video to the end but Holy Cow:  I conked out near the end.  The seller certainly has a sanctimonious attitude that is entirely unwarranted.  He is so convinced that he’s correct it’s very painful to watch.  What a lot of BS and I simply didn’t have the  patience to watch the follow up.


He sent a light for a car in what I consider very substandard packaging.   If I were shipping something similar to this it would be double and perhaps even triple boxed.  He had it in one rather flimsy box with bubble wrapping.  Yikes.  That’s asking for trouble and there is every reason to consider that the item arrived at the buyer's home already damaged.  Most of us don’t examine items as well as we should upon arrival for damage.  I learned the heard way.  Now I’m very carefu to examine items closely but perhaps this trusting buyer in question did not.


So that’s the first issue.  The light could well have arrived damaged especially considering the way it was packaged.


Second, the buyer then took it to someone to install and it could have broken during installation.   In that case it’s still the seller’s responsibility because the item should have been guaranteed to at least survive installation.  The seller, however, feels justified to wash his hands of any responsibility whatsoever.  Huh?


It almost sounds like eBay would have been willing to accept a 50% refund to make this situation go away.  Why?  IMO the seller should be 100% liable for the damage.


The seller is so indignant it’s easy to buy into his argument, but why?  If you were the buyer you’d have every right to expect a 100% refund and then some for the inconvenience.  Put yourself in the buyer's shoes.


The item was damaged: Either during shipping or during installation.  In both cases the seller is responsible and the buyer should be compensated.


Message 12 of 22
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ebay buyer returns broken item - We ask ebay seller protection for help - Selling on ebay

Evidently, by your comments, it's easy to see you did not really watch the videos, 3 of 5.


The box the item came back in is not the box it was sent in...


...also if you knew the Hills you would know they are 100% correct!

Message 13 of 22
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ebay buyer returns broken item - We ask ebay seller protection for help - Selling on ebay

@brettjet38 wrote:

Evidently, by your comments, it's easy to see you did not really watch the videos, 3 of 5.


The box the item came back in is not the box it was sent in...


...also if you knew the Hills you would know they are 100% correct!

At the very beginning of the video he clearly states "It's certainly the box I sent out."


In other words the buyer shipped it back in the same box it was received in.  That box is clearly way too flimsy for the item.


However, even if the item had been triple boxed it could still have arrived broken even if packaging had been adequate.  That is a very challenging item to ship without getting damaged.

This has nothing to do with the "Hills" or someone's honesty or whatever.  


The item could easily have arrived cracked and that crack could have been initially overlooked by the buyer.  It's very possible the the crack could them have increased during installation.

The buyer deserves a full refund.



Message 14 of 22
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ebay buyer returns broken item - We ask ebay seller protection for help - Selling on ebay

The Buyer clearly stated that he received the item in perfect condition, the item was fine, and left positive feedback to that effect...


...he also said he had installed it, driven around, then he noticed a crack.


The installer damaged the item, it was received and examined by the Buyer themselves, then the installer, the item was fine.


The Buyer is wrong in this instance.


PS - As for the box, those are the standard boxes used to ship these kinds of items around in..and it is perfect shape.


Also as a Buyer myself when I receive anything I purchase, I examine it fully and completely before I use it to make sure it is as listed.


And, also you seem to have completely omitted the fact that eBay also agreed with these Sellers in an official response. Which again you "ghosted"


Message 15 of 22
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ebay buyer returns broken item - We ask ebay seller protection for help - Selling on ebay

If I sell someone a purse and the frame snaps almost as soon as there's a little pressure put on it that's my responsibility.    Unless buying from a Dollar Store buyers have a right to expect items to withstand some handling.


You're suggesting that the item broke during installation, and that almost certainly means that there was an issue with the item beforehand.    It could have had a hairline crack sustained during shipping or before, and gone unnoticed until it was put to the test.  It could have been a factory second.  


Who knows, but the buyer has a right to expect that the light can withstand installation.


It hard to imagine how it was damaged to that degree otherwise.


I realize that a lot of sellers are resistant to the idea that the buyer deserves full compensation, but IMO the buyer deserves exactly that.




Message 16 of 22
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ebay buyer returns broken item - We ask ebay seller protection for help - Selling on ebay

On their Sunday live chat the Hills mentioned that ebay has now returned their money and removed the defect on their account. So obviously ebay finally realized they had made a mistake handling this case. Nic mentioned he will be doing a follow up video at some point on that. As well he is still planning to eventually ask an ebay representative on a live stream about why all of this happened. He is determined to hold ebay accountable.
Message 17 of 22
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ebay buyer returns broken item - We ask ebay seller protection for help - Selling on ebay

You need to watch this folks! Educate yourselves.
Message 18 of 22
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ebay buyer returns broken item - We ask ebay seller protection for help - Selling on ebay

...this is the thing. while the majority of Buyers and sales go perfectly!


There is a tiny number of individuals who will always try to profit on a system or situation, look at this whole COVID-19 situation...


...these kinds of individuals are parasites on society in general. 


eBay must be held accountable to all it's clients - The SELLERS, as we are held accountable to our clients THE BUYERS.


eBay sells nothing!!


The SELLERS do that and most are independent individuals who do this to make ends meet and to make an honest living.


eBay is broken, has been for years!


Now, they will have no choice but to listen as we are all moving forward into a whole new world, which will include some form of Basic Incomes, too!

Message 19 of 22
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ebay buyer returns broken item - We ask ebay seller protection for help - Selling on ebay

I'm going to have nightmares...
I've read about it in every thread I've opened since yesterday.
Message 20 of 22
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