is there a way to ship to us without going to the post office?

Sold something on eBay, but got paid through square.


Ive tried Canada post website (wont work), tried shippo (wont work), 


what are my options? has anyone had success with my scenario?


I cant believe in 2017 i'm still making post's like this


Canada Post is PATHETIC. 

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is there a way to ship to us without going to the post office?

I do not see any sales for your account on eBay.


What am I missing?

Message 2 of 8
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is there a way to ship to us without going to the post office?

i sold something on ebay last week, but i only accept square payment now because I've been burned by paypal to many times. I got paid, now trying to figure how to ship, already an hour.5 in. I just filled out the custom details online, and i will bring the barcode for them to scan at the P.O.   at least they automated that part!

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Message 3 of 8
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is there a way to ship to us without going to the post office?

Your mobile device may be the problem.


You should be able to print from any desktop or laptop, from the Canada Post site.


You may have to enter your Small Business Solutions member number to activate the site.

If you don't already have one, ask at your PO for a number. The card will be mailed to you, but the number is immediate.


Canada Post has a new small business product called ShipShare which offers nice discounts.

There have been several posts about it mostly from ypcdennis.


You should also sign up for Shippo (in spite of the stupid name) which will be working with eBay (and etsy and amazon) as a shipper.


Another thought-- were you prompted to enter a phone number? Any number will do including your own or 000-000-0000.


Once you have the parcel labelled, there is no need to go to the PO. Just drop it in the nearest postbox.

Message 4 of 8
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is there a way to ship to us without going to the post office?

So I went to the post office, she asked if I had ventureOne, so i gave my phone number, but my address wasnt updated on the system, even though i spent 30 minutes on the phone with an agent telling them it was the wrong address now!  thanks for your reply...


maybe the wrong address being entered is the problem?!  



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Message 5 of 8
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is there a way to ship to us without going to the post office?

Given the number of posts you have made on the subject, it seems like shipping is an ongoing problem you are experiencing. Perhaps Local Pickup is the way for you in the future. It is an option under Shipping. You can limit your buyers to pickups only.

Message 6 of 8
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is there a way to ship to us without going to the post office?

Yea, thanks tips
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Message 7 of 8
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is there a way to ship to us without going to the post office?

You're welcome, although I'm not certain your sarcasm was necessary.
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