Package Delivery- this turned up on my FaceBook Page


This is from Consumer Protection BC- but I suspect that much of it also applies in other provinces and territories.

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Package Delivery- this turned up on my FaceBook Page

@femmefan1946 wrote:


This is from Consumer Protection BC- but I suspect that much of it also applies in other provinces and territories.



Thanks for sharing that. Now to get eBay to play along with those guidelines. Unfortunately too many policies tripping over each other on that end of the transaction.


  • Yes, the seller can pay for signature service but no guarantee it will happen. 
  • Tracking now only states that item was delivered...Not where it was delivered. You would need to contact CP/USPS/etc where it was actually delivered when that information has been updated. It's not always.
  • If an item does get delivered to the wrong address, will it be forwarded to the correct address? No guarantees. Maybe. Maybe kept. Maybe disposed of. Maybe porch pirated. Hard to know after it was delivered. 
  • If it is CP the incorrect receiver would need to drop at a depot for redelivery. At that point it would/should be rescanned and then go back as hopefully a corrected delivery.
  • This wasn't as much of a problem when items were either dropped off and handed to the receiver and signed for. You had a chance to say....This is not mine. Now dropped on step or in community mail box there isn't that option.
  • With signature service (now - since Pandemic) it's up in the air if a parcel will ever get signed for. I've seen on several occasions in the last year signature required when I've checked tracking and then the item was left in community mail box. I believe its become a case of if it fits, signature option is waived. 
  • Throw in porch pirates.....It may have been delivered...It may have walked away. Hard to know.
  • When parcels arrive with Intelcom from Amazon a photo of the delivered parcel is sent.
  • When parcels arrive with Intelcom(GSP in the past) no photo was sent because most likely there is no email on file for the parcel.
  • Now with eIS it is an unknown who will the end of line delivery agent will be, when it will arrive or where it will land.
  • A buyer can attempt to file a trace with the delivery service but that will require info from the seller. Communicating that info can be extremely challenging. There are no guarantees those messages being sent back and forth all get seen.
  • Same goes with anything that arrives damaged. eBay is good as long as you refund the buyer but it is difficult to get cooperation if it is needed like photos or a damage inspection when that is required. The seller is basically left on their own to try to resolve and recover their funds when it's a valid claim. (For a recent damage claim it was closed by CP because there was no followup from customer as required to complete the process. (Ended up being out 70.00 Canadian.) I have seen similar reported numerous times that it was difficult for a seller to get any kind of cooperation from buyers when it comes to claims and as per eBay TOS that is a non-thing.
  • Lastly with anything that has arrived late and customer has been refunded there is no eBay internal process which makes it easy for the seller to get repaid. Made even worse if the transaction is in a foreign country and all info has become invisible.



PS. In recently using eBay Labels the field for an email address is MIA. This is a required field for International customs if they need to get a hold of the consignee. Mandatory field for courier shipments. The email field is available with Shippo and CP online. Not having that info can either delay a shipment or cause it to be returned on the sellers dime.

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Package Delivery- this turned up on my FaceBook Page

My carrier has been getting electronic signatures for high value deliveries for a few months now.

When the pandemic first hit, and Canada Post was being protective of their workers, the carrier's signature was being accepted by eBay as Signature Confirmation.

Somewhere I have a response from Tyler about that.

devon@ebay   What is the current policy on Signature Confirmation for at least Canada and the USA?



And this too, I guess--

PS. In recently using eBay Labels the field for an email address is MIA.

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