Dear eBay Canada sellers,


This week, US and Canadian sellers will be receiving email updates concerning US Internet Sales Tax policies. More than 30 US states now require buyers to pay sales tax on eBay purchases and eBay and PayPal have been working together to simplify the collection of these taxes.


Starting in November 2019, the way taxable transactions to US buyers are processed and how taxes are collected for remittance will change, as follows:


  • In states where eBay is required to collect Internet Sales Tax from buyers, order totals sent for processing will reflect the gross order amount inclusive of tax.
  • Once settled, the tax amount will be automatically deducted for remittance to the applicable taxing authority.
  • A record of sales tax portion of the order will be available on the Seller Hub Order details page and through our Download order report.

Please note the applicable tax will continue to be paid by the buyer and as a Canadian seller, you will not need to take any action.



The Team eBay Canada