
Today marks the last day of school. I've completed all requirements for my degree. 😉 \o/

Now I patiently wait for my school to complete all the relevant paperworks so that I can get hired. I've done all the interviews required for the position I applied, and it's a bit annoying that the manager can't tell me "you are hired!" because the official paperworks aren't done. Grrrr. 

He did went through what the next steps are (the workshops I need to attend as an new employee etc) and asked for my SIN number, so I'd like to think I passed the interview itself... right?

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Re: 14.12.12

Community Member

Asking for your SIN looks to be in your favour. Bon chance!


Harper's Economic Action Plan to create jobs!

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 2 of 12
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Re: 14.12.12

Congratulations on your graduation. That's a huge accomplishment!

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Re: 14.12.12

Community Member

Congratulations on your new degree!

Message 4 of 12
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Re: 14.12.12

Congradulations!   What kinda degree did you earn?

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Re: 14.12.12

Community Member

Many new grads have a tough time finding work these days, so I'm impressed that you seem to have a job already. Congratulations!  

What type of degree and what type of job? Do you have other skills that helped get the job?

Message 6 of 12
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Re: 14.12.12

Congratulations also.  Quite an accomplishment.


Glad you got a job right away. Can be tough sometimes finding a job upon graduation.


You must have an In Demand Degree.

Message 7 of 12
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Re: 14.12.12

You must have an In Demand Degree.

Excellent deduction, Sherlock! 

What type of degree and what type of job? Do you have other skills that helped get the job?

I'll just say that my Bachelor of Science degree is in the health science field and leave it at that for now.

I think the better way to put it is that I had a number of relevant volunteering experience that got me into this competitive degree program in the first place. I applied to the place where I did my practicum, because I already have experience working there, and people who mentored me were willing to be my reference. We were told not to be picky with our first job, so I decided to go with a safe route and apply where I think I have the highest chance of getting hired. I did find my practicum enjoyable and the staffs very supportive, so that's another reason why I chose to apply there. 

Message 8 of 12
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Re: 14.12.12

Oh and thank you to everyone for your kind replies. :-x

Message 9 of 12
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Re: 14.12.12

My Grad Degree is in Science & i am employed in the Health Science field also.


Your second paragraph is pretty well exactly how i got my job in North York.


Of course many of us across Ontario were laid off during the Chretien/Harris cut-backs & i ended up back in my hometown.


Health Field has been pretty stable, employment wise for over fifteen years. No cut-backs that i am aware of.


Best of luck in your new career.


Did you get Full-Time or Permanent Part-Time hours to start?

Message 10 of 12
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Re: 14.12.12

I haven't wrote my provincial licensing exam yet (it's in 2 months) so if I'm hired it'd be casual to start. I do prefer casual over full-time for now because I still need time to study for the exam. 

I know the place where I applied is quite short-staffed, so even with casual position, I will probably end up with part-time-like hours. I want to work in a more specialized area but I currently don't quality. It'd be ideal for me to stick with a casual/part-time position so that I can spend time in further education and gain working experience at the same time, and apply to the specialized area when I quality education-wise 🙂

Message 11 of 12
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Re: 14.12.12

Good Luck, Study Hard, Provincial Licensing Exams are known to be tough.


Needed a 90% Passing Grade to obtain your License in Ontario & Manitoba. Of course that was a long time ago, not sure what the passing grade is now.


You could also be subjected to  Emergency Procedure Exams every three months. Their is a written & practical aspect with some really crazy scenarios. We have them every three months & they really keep us on our toes

Message 12 of 12
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