3rd Post on Sellers you Follow.

This is my 3rd post on this new "Sellers you Follow". Why can't I add a note on my favourite sellers to mark my buying experience with them??. Why was this changed from Favorite Seller (where you could post a note.) to this new "Sellers you Follow" that won't let you add a note about your buying experience?? Is this some new way of eBay to manipulate buyers & the eBay market?? The fact that no one at eBay is answering the reason for this change is suspicious...Regards, Ace

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This is your 4th thread on this subject. Did you read any...

This is a member to member board and no eBay employees check here regularly. (There are bots that clean up our language and mods from the company that operates the Boards for eBay, but neither has anything to do with policy.)


Your best bet would be the regular Wednesday noon chat with raphael and kalvin, two employees who do respond to questions and problems.

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This is your 4th thread on this subject. Did you read any...

This is your 4th thread on this subject. Did you read any...

This is your 4th thread on this subject. Did you read any of the responses? More than once you were told where to ask your quesiton.


"Why can't I add a note on my favourite sellers to mark my buying experience with them??."


Has it occurred to you that ebay removed the option? You've been on ebay long enough to know that they make changes that make no sense at all (like no negs for buyers). This is not the first time they've done that nor will it be the last time. Maybe sending a suggestion directly to ebay from enough members will get them to change it back.


The people in charge at ebay do not use the site so they are clueless as to what is or is not helpful to buyers or sellers. They make changes that they think are good because they do not use the features to know how senseless they are.


Non payers should get unpaid item strikes and be added to block bidders lists. Period.
Message 4 of 8
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This is your 4th thread on this subject. Did you read any...

Thanks nubian treasure. Actually, I just started back on eBay after a 4 year break. My husband shot himself Feb 22,2010. I found him on the floor in his shop and spent 4 years dealing with ptsd. I tried to post on on this weekly board meeting but I can't find where to post the question..."Has it occurred to you that ebay removed the option? You've been on ebay long enough to know that they make changes that make no sense at all (like no negs for buyers)" The last time I sold on eBay was in 2009. The boards have really changed...and not as good as it used to be. No one tries to help just make insulting comments. Regard, Ace
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This is your 4th thread on this subject. Did you read any...

I am so sorry to hear of your terrible experience and the resulting PTSD. You should be commended for trying to re-enter the mainstream of life once again.
It is not only you who has trouble figuring out eBay and it s rules and various groups, meetings, etc. Just check out the internet comments on eBay customer service and the no help you get. I too was a member who did not participate and just recently "rejoined" ebay as a buyer. I found that often instead of help when I asked a question I got a reprimand! I guess we just have to grow thicker skins and figure stuff out for ourselves. Keep on day by day. That is what we must do. I speak as someone who has also suffered from tragedy.
Message 6 of 8
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This is your 4th thread on this subject. Did you read any...

Thank-you 1049susanm for your empathy and support. I'm trying to figure out how to sell again. I've started a "Sell" page and do okay until it tells me to have a shipping policy. I should be able to go to the boards for help but have become head shy. My feelings do not get hurt by flippant, holier than thou and judgemental comments, I just get more determind. Negative comments or insulting attitudes don't get to me. After seeing my husband on the floor of his shop, I have developed skin as tough as Alligator Hide....Take Care..Ace
Message 7 of 8
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This is your 4th thread on this subject. Did you read any...

Case Point - what are we protecting? Vintage jewelry was not designed, created or made by any of us who are on e-bay now. There is no way that I can think of in which helping another seller identify a piece damages my sales.
Second: Cryptic e-Bay – Definition: e-Bay having a meaning that is mysterious or obscure
Although I have lost count as to the number of emails such as this I have received I feel it is necessary to copy for others to see and interpret
Dear queenbeecanada
We are writing to let you know that the listing for the following item you bid on has been removed:
271272641486 - New white/ivory wedding dress custom size 2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20-22+++++
We strongly recommend that you do not complete this purchase. Purchases of items listed on eBay but then completed outside of eBay are extremely risky. They are not covered by eBay buyer protection programs and are highly susceptible to fraud.
***If You Have Already Paid***
If you have already paid for this item but have not received it, you should act quickly to get your money back.
- If you paid with PayPal, you may be eligible for up to C$2,000 coverage at no cost. See a
Now, this is where I get a little edgy because I am just going to point blank explain EXACTLY and TRUTHFULLY what I experienced firsthand.
A - of course I paid – it is e-Bay policy – I do not pay I get reported
B – contact paypal and open case
C – PayPal recommends that I communicate with the seller to try and come to a mutual understanding before involving PayPal
D – I cannot do that because as per e-Bay they have removed the seller due to violation and therefore I have no contact information anymore (except some Chinese writing that must be an address – but when I researched it I found it was in fact the address for a University in China)
Case Point – this was my very first e-Bay purchase – I was getting married – after being in a wheel chair and all the surgeries – I was shopping for a dress (which by the way now I have 3 dresses and am not having a wedding – weird the angles of life eh?
This particular resolution took my asking for a manager at PayPal to call me because options given on PayPal site and by PayPal employees are A B or C Regardless that they want to help the truth is PayPal employees just do not have the authority to bump a case from the waiting 90 days to hear from seller O.K. this seller so obviously ripped of this buyer. A manage on the other hand does. I explained my case and discussed at length all I had done to try and find my seller or more information and –gold star for me – he told me he was impressed how hard I tried and that my going undercover on a China Business site was a unique idea.
e-Bay and PayPal depend on each other – DEPEND DEPEND DEPEND – so why is sharing of such important information not even an idea they have for a policy?
Sorry for rambling I just felt it necessary to at least try and create some unity around here.
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