10-16-2013 03:10 PM
I just had my 4th case this year, opened against me for items specifically going from here in Ingersoll, ON, down the 401 15 mins to London,ON. The most cases involving any one place in all my selling years.....
One of the previous items finally showed up after 2 months! The other 2 are still "AWOL" out there with my return address on them....
This larest one was shipped Oct 1st so maybe there's still hope!
I wonder if items from here go direct out from London or are routed from Mississauga or wherever.....
10-16-2013 03:24 PM
10-16-2013 04:52 PM
I know that the truck that picks up from Ingersoll goes straight to a drop-off centre in London.
I don't know if anything for London though goes out right from that place or goes elsewhere first.
10-17-2013 12:50 AM
Steve- are you anywhere near Ingersoll? Dropping in, or even phoning the PostMaster might be useful. It may just be coincidence, and probably is, but your report might lead to the PM finding a bad apple, especially if he has had some other reports.
10-17-2013 02:04 AM
I live right in Ingersoll.