Tea, please supply a link to where you received this advice. I'm sure you must have misunderstood or taken it out of context. Otherwise, it was faulty to start with and repeating it here does no service to PS'ers.
Your response to someone telling you that your advice was faulty was to immediately try to discredit that person by trying to find fault in her listings, on a totally different topic, rather than defending your initial post. You did the same with my listings in an effort to discredit me. In both cases you were found to be inaccurate. I must have missed the post where you apologized for getting your comments about both Ann's and my listings wrong.
Look, anyone can post their opinion but many PS'ers try to fly a pretty straight path with their customers and they are justifiably proud of it. For you to come to this forum and preach lies and deceit and try to sugar coat it so that you can sleep at night does not sit well with some.
By the way, I'm not worried about people commenting on my posts and that's why I continue to do so. I've been here long enough to know that I need to be able to defend what I write. Can you?
To put it simply, you have absolutely no justification for lying to your customers. You can colour it any way you want and package it with a bow to attempt to make it more palatable but it is still wrong.
Now if you really need to find something else to attack my post on, my father was a Scot and my mother is French Canadian.