About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
Hi everybody,

As many of you saw in their eBay announcements, Feedback 2.0 is coming soon. This is a new parallel fb system to help buyers sharing their experiences with sellers on eBay.

It doesn't seem that we, sellers, will be able to reply to unfair rating from not patient buyer or buyers who doesn't understand that, for example, it is normal to charge an extra $2.00 to prepare their order. For my part, I sell an item that takes 15 minutes to pack and prepare... And I'm also thinking of removing the possibility for int'l buyers to use SURFACE service (cheap, but takes 4 to 8 weeks) to avoid bad rating because of buyers who doesn't understand that THEY chose the slow service.

And we, sellers, what do we have against buyers with bad reputation ? NOTHING, except the ability to block a buyer ID (totally useless once item is purchased or with last second bidders), and the ability to block buyer with -1, -2 or -3 feedback comments (totally useless, from my point of view).

Paying hundreds of dollars in eBay fees each month, I can't believe that I have no way to block buyers with my own specifications. This is my business and I pay my "rent". Of course, eBay would lost many sales, they probably don't give a damn about seller's vulnerability against weirdos.

I suggest, in exchange of Feedback 2.0, that eBay provides the possibility to sellers to block users by their rating %. Here's example of the simple feature we could use :


This is a tool I'd use, because we, sellers, are defenseless against buyers with bad reputation. I'm sure everybody here experienced at least once the bad surprise of learning that the one who won or purchased an item has 75% of rating, with many negative fb from other sellers stating : "BEWARE SELLERS!", "BUYER NOT PATIENT", "WHY BLAME ME?" or "YOU SHOULD HAVE EMAILED ME", etc.

We are totally defenseless against these unwelcomed buyers. Our reputations are between their hands for sometimes only a $5 profit on an item! Ebay is forcing me to accept them, earning seller fees with them, while sellers are getting their reputations harmed by unavoidable problematic buyers.

Am I alone ?
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
OH- Feedback just went up to 698 while I was typing- Customers says delivery was prompt!!
Message 21 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
ZARZUELLA Please correct me if I'm wrong. I was having a look at your book store. I noticed on one book that you are asking $4.95 US for shipping, which works out to $5.67 Canadian. When I took your specifications to The Canada Post Website, I saw there, that an item of that weight, with those dimensions, could be shipped to USA for $2.99. Am I missing something here?? Please show me where I am making my error? Because I know that could not be intentional. Not you.
Message 22 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
Y'know, I can't often say I agree with Toby but I do this time. As I do with Ann.

If you believe telling half truths and bending the balance to suit you is the reason you have had any success, you are the one living in lala-land. In fact, it might be argued that any success you enjoy is in spite of your practices. You may call it "Creative Thinking" but the rest of us know it for what it really is - "Deliberately Misleading".

While it is true that some may come here to complain, it appears that you are here to tell everyone else that yours is the right way and everyone else should follow your lead.

While you are hear there are a couple more statistics we can offer you:

Experienced Powersellers that say you are wrong = 3
Dishonest Powersellers that say you are right = 1

Bill treasure-pot


Message 23 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
tea_past_times, you haven't got a clue. I know that Ann does not ship by Canada Post.

Take your garbage elsewhere. You posted and people disagreed with you is one thing. If you are here to look for an argument there are plenty that will oblige.

Bill treasure-pot


Message 24 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
tea_past_times meet bestshowtime...bestshowtime meet tea_past_times

Now that polite introductions are over. Please let us know, based upon your vast PS experience, the best advice you can give a Canadian Seller?

Oops...gotta run, please continue to discuss amongst yourselves.

Problem solved ]:)

Himalayan Salt Lamps - A Guide to Purchasing


Message 25 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

There are only 27 people who left you feedback this month .... there may be more comments buy only from 27 separate individuals!!
Message 26 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
Number of Listings in Treasure Pot's store this morning is 0. Isn't this chat for Sellers?? People seem to misunderstand. My original Post simply offered advice on how to overcome the disadvantage Canadian sellers are at On Ebay vs American sellers. When our delivery takes 3 weeks and American sellers can get delivery in 3 days, it's a disadvantage, and you gotta do what you gotta do. Sorry for trying to help. Excuuuuuuusssseee MEEEEE!!
Message 27 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
Number of Listings in Treasure Pot's store this morning is 0.

You can't count. Look at my store from .com and not .ca. Duhh!

Isn't this chat for Sellers??

No, this discussion board is for PS'ers and I still have that designation. Anyone can be a seller but not necessarily access this board.

When our delivery takes 3 weeks and American sellers can get delivery in 3 days, it's a disadvantage, and you gotta do what you gotta do.

No, as many have already commented, we don't have to do as you do as we find it morally wrong. Trust me on this... it will come back to haunt you.

My original Post simply offered advice on how to overcome the disadvantage Canadian sellers are at On Ebay vs American sellers.

Your original post simply offered insights on how be dishonest with customers. Other PS'ers said that they disliked that idea and you immediately decided to levy an attack on one of them.

Sorry for trying to help.

If you don't want to have your opinions commented on - DON'T POST! Certainly don't post stupid advice that others will find offensive. PS'ers generally rise to that level (but, as in your case, not always) because they excel in customer service - not because they intentionally mislead buyers.

Bill treasure-pot


Message 28 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
Bill, take a pill and relax. Every piece of advice I've given in this chat, has come from other experienced Ebay Sellers, in one thread or another, over the last year and a half. I simply summarized it all in one post to help others sellers, because I found the advice useful and helpful and wanted to pass it on. I had shipping problems, and feedback problems, but I asked other Ebay sellers how to avoid those problems and they gave me the ideas I posted above. And it works!! That's what the chat boards are for - helping each other - not a club for huffing and puffing, bitching and whining, etc. AGAIN - I posted to help other sellers, it's just that a few people decided to turn that useful advice into something negative, which it is not!!
Message 29 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
Hey Bill - HUSH UP EH !!!
Message 30 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
If you don't want to have your opinions commented on - DON'T POST!

and take your own advice.:-D
Message 31 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
Tea, please supply a link to where you received this advice. I'm sure you must have misunderstood or taken it out of context. Otherwise, it was faulty to start with and repeating it here does no service to PS'ers.

Your response to someone telling you that your advice was faulty was to immediately try to discredit that person by trying to find fault in her listings, on a totally different topic, rather than defending your initial post. You did the same with my listings in an effort to discredit me. In both cases you were found to be inaccurate. I must have missed the post where you apologized for getting your comments about both Ann's and my listings wrong.

Look, anyone can post their opinion but many PS'ers try to fly a pretty straight path with their customers and they are justifiably proud of it. For you to come to this forum and preach lies and deceit and try to sugar coat it so that you can sleep at night does not sit well with some.

By the way, I'm not worried about people commenting on my posts and that's why I continue to do so. I've been here long enough to know that I need to be able to defend what I write. Can you?

To put it simply, you have absolutely no justification for lying to your customers. You can colour it any way you want and package it with a bow to attempt to make it more palatable but it is still wrong.

Now if you really need to find something else to attack my post on, my father was a Scot and my mother is French Canadian.

Bill treasure-pot


Message 32 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
I can't believe you won't take your own advice - 😄
Message 33 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

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What's really funny is - I'm French and my wife is Scottish, thanks for the chuckle.
Message 34 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
And having been with my wife for 15 years now, If there is one thing I know-getting the last word is very hard indeed!!
Message 35 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

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Message 36 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
Bill I apologize that when I click on your store icon it shows that you have 0 items for sale.
Message 37 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

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Maybe if you listed on Ebay Canada....
Message 38 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
Stay tuned Everybody cause ya know Bill will be back. Ya just know it!! When he's done turning red and sputtering.X-(
Message 39 of 97
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About buyers with BAD rating and Feedback 2.0

Community Member
Nope... ain't gonna happen. I was just waiting for you to try and assemble all of your thoughts. Apparently you have difficulty with getting more than a single thought into a post, hence your need to post seven times when others only require one. Six quips and a smiley in 10 minutes - thank goodness I had other things to do. It is so difficult to conduct a battle of wits with an unarmed person.

If you had a clue you would recognize that my store does not reveal most of my items to those located in Canada. I'd explain that to you but I'm sure you would use my explanation as a way to start another defenseless argument.

But once again, rather than focus on defending your ridiculous stand that it is OK to mislead and lie to customers, you choose to focus on your inability to find my listings.

If anyone is sputtering, most will recognize who.

Bill treasure-pot


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