
So..... just activated a campaign to see if and how this works.

One has to leave it to eBay management when it come to ways of making sellers part with money 🙂

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Is adcommerce still looking good? Anymore updates?
Message 21 of 133
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Just under 2 million imprints and business is definitely up, no question.

How many clicks resulted in sales I cannot ascertain but my gut feeling is that it is working well for us.

Message 22 of 133
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Wow, that's great. Glad it seems to be working out for you. I think I will be giving it try as well.
Thanks for the update Bernie.
Message 23 of 133
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Tried an ad campaign this morning.
12 hours later, 0 clicks and 0 impressions- maybe it takes a day or two to kick in?

Message 24 of 133
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First, check to make sure the ad campaign is active. We had a devil of a time getting eBay to "approve" a few of our first ads as they kept pulling them but wouldn't tell us why. But it got fixed in the slow way that eBay handles things and we were off and running.

Depends how you target your market. Are you using keywords or going category-specific with your ads?

What are you making your max CPC for each keyword or category?

A lot of factors go into what makes a good ad to attract attention. But as I said on a posting on the Seller Board, it's one thing to attract people and it's another to attract people willing to spend.
Message 25 of 133
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I'm curious about how your clicks are showing up in omniture?

I don't seem to be getting the visitors on Omniture to account for the clicks I'm supposed to be getting.
Message 26 of 133
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Dunno, never looked, never tried. Perhaps I should?

All I know is that for 60 bucks/month our sales seem to have zoomed.

Do I know if any of the increase is caused by Adcommerce? Nope 🙂

Message 27 of 133
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Omniture - it's just the traffic reports that you get when you have a store. You could sign up for it at no cost. I'm still tinkering around with the adcommerce - don't want to go full hog because there's little doubt that a lot of the competition will follow suit and we'll all be right where we started - except at higher cost...
Message 28 of 133
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Well, I did finally get a few campaigns underway and did not really spend much time on them, but in the last 7 days, I'm at over 1/2 million impressions and around 500 clicks. All for about 7 bucks. Keyword ads seem to be the ticket. My category specific ads are not even close in clicks.
Who knows how many of these people would have found me without this advertising anyway, but business seems to be up slightly.

Message 29 of 133
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there's little doubt that a lot of the competition will follow suit

Don't assume this. So far our CPC has remained steady, meaning the competition has not even caught on 🙂

Message 30 of 133
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"there's little doubt that a lot of the competition will follow suit "

You may be right but that is .... several months away. In the meantime, remember:


Belongs to those
who see the future
before it becomes


to everyone else!

Message 31 of 133
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Pierre, your positivity is even making this message board look good!
Message 32 of 133
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For the last week, I have been adding new campaigns almost daily.

Same old message, but in different stamp categories and sub-categories mostly on eBay.COM and a few on different sites (Canada and the UK).

So far, 315,000 impressions and only 166 clicks. Total cost $2.50 only!

With 315,000+ impressions, that is a lot of name recognition for $2.50!
Message 33 of 133
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I have tried this Adcommerce thing and I have to admit this kinda stuff is always over my head. I'm not sure I have set it up correctly but in 1 day got 396 Impressions and 1 click. What I'd like to know is what is "Impression?"

It does seem in seeing all of your results that I am not doing this quite right.

Message 34 of 133
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hi faerywishes, impressions are counted each time your ad appears somewhere on someone's screen. They may not have seen it. The more you play around with it the more you get the hang of it.

Pierre, that's interesting. I've got a few campaigns up and running. It's costing somewhat more, but nothing compared to what we spend on featured listings. 300 clicks so far. I'm not even getting impressions in some of the more obvious keywords / categories - it'll just start a bidding war!

I've had WAY fewer impressions and clicks from the campaigns on .ca - but interestingly, a 10X higher click thru rate.
Message 35 of 133
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Thanks for letting me know. I plan to spend some more time going through the video again and the info they have.

Have a Great Night
Message 36 of 133
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I just recently signed up with them, got my credit from them as well 🙂

I just have to activate the ad now.

I have a few questions, what's better for me, since I am selling comics, graphic novels, statues, toys all related to comics.

Should I go under category based or keywords, I would like to Target Canada, US mostly but will look into other places later.

I want to promote my online website will that be a problem.

Any help would be great.

Thanks Thanks.

(Dream About Comics)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Message 37 of 133
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"I want to promote my online website will that be a problem"

CANNOT be done with AdCommerce. You can only promote your eBay listings, your eBay store or yourself (User ID).

I find what works best for me is to have my ads in sub-categories I usually do not list in! For example, I do not sell American stamps. Yet, I have ads in all "Stamps - USA" sub-categories. I play law of average. There is a percentage of stamp collectors looking for American stamps who also collect stamps from Canada and other countries.

Business is good! 🙂
Message 38 of 133
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I find what works best for me is to have my ads in sub-categories I usually do not list in!

I did a search the other day under "canada hockey jersey"....your ad came up Pierre!
Message 39 of 133
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Personally I would activate your first campaigns using the keyword format.
So far, I spent a total of 15 minutes creating 5 simple campaigns.
4 Keyword and 1 Category.
The only campaign to get zero clicks is the Category specific campaign.
So far in about 3 weeks time, I have 1,300,000 impressions, and over 800 clicks, all for just over 12 bucks. Pretty cheap advertising.;-)

Message 40 of 133
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