jeffglobal- I agree that there are other ways to look at this situation.
My perspective was simply that, at present, eBay is requesting comment - A DSR- for a situation- SHIPPING/HANDING CHARGE- that simply does not exist.
Your solution- of making it an "AUTOMATIC FIVE" has it's own merits.
Either way- the term sucking, and bl;owing at the same time comes to mind.
NOT INCLUDING charges in the price- and charging them outside of the auction saves END VALUE FEES. A reality PERIOD.
INCLUDING EVERYTHING COSTS US MORE! And, naturally eBay will theoretically on the specific sale, make more money.
ARE THERE OTHER WAYS to make this INCLUSIVE SHIPPING situation more workable?
We do offer some auctions WITHOUT accepting PayPal- and being a BRICKS and MORTAR merchant- we do offer Credit card, and DEBIT if/when PICKED-UP.