Advice Please:)

Community Member
My hubby wants me to start selling vintage tractor parts on ebay.I have been a seller for years and have a store.
Should I start a new ID and store or what are the chances it would work adding into my existing store?
Anyone have experience and thoughts on store with multiple type items.Which I already do,but this is very different with a totally different customer base.

Any thoughts???? ***************************************************

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Message 1 of 12
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Advice Please:)

:^O Pretty funny.
Do you think your tractor parts customers would be comfortable browsing through the jams, jellies & plus size clothing for their widgets?

Seriously, I'd try it first - if you have strong sales on the vintage tractor stuff then consider a different ID/store designed to appeal to those buyers.
Message 2 of 12
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Advice Please:)

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I tried opening another store with another id but it wasn't really worth it. If they will sell well, go for it though.
Message 3 of 12
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Thanks Everyone for your input!!!!! ***************************************************

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Message 4 of 12
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Advice Please:)

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My hubby wanted me to start a different ID for each line of stuff we carry. I didn't because I didn't see the purpose. I guess it depends on the person, the line and how successful it is or isn't but I don't mind carrying all kinds of things under the one ID.

Diversify is the name of the game here so go for it!! For me, the only time something like that would come into play would be for say items of an adult/mature nature. I don't think that those would go well with craft patterns and stuff like that. LOL

The only bad thing I can think of is that sometimes we see scammers selling tractors on eBay. Why tractors? Be darned if I know!!! The only thing I can think of is that they're pricey and perhaps the people buying them aren't internet savy to be aware of the scammers. No idea. But I think that would be a plus for you though. You're not a new seller, you have a farm, you sell products from your farm (the jams) etc. I think it'd be great actually.

Go for it!! :-D

Come See What Else We've Got Up For Auction!
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I've actually sold a few of his items already and they done quite well(Including a tractor) ***************************************************

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Message 6 of 12
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Advice Please:)

Community Member
If you're going to be selling tractor parts for a while to come, with a good volume, i would definitely open under a different id and store name-one that clearly reads 'tractor parts', that way, people can identify with your store for future needs...
good luck..!
Message 7 of 12
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If you keep eveything under one umbrella its easier to manage. What I notice about vintage tractors, the audience is generally older. Older people will likely take the time and browse the rest of your store and buy other non-tractor related items. I have found (and bought) alot of other cool stuff by checking the sellers other items. When I see sellers list on their stores that they have another store I should check out, I usually don't bother.
Message 8 of 12
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Advice Please:)

Community Member
IMO it depends on how you want to be perceived.

If you wish to appear to be a business devoted to vintage tractor parts and a source that shoppers can rely upon for those parts you may want to consider establishing a new "brand".

If, on the other hand, you prefer to be viewed as a source for jams and preserves and that you are just selling some misc. parts that you had lying around, you probably will do fine maintaining your single store and ID.

Lets hope this doesn't start another campaign against mutiple ID's.

Bill treasure-pot


Message 9 of 12
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Advice Please:)

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Thank you all for your great adice!!!!!!! ***************************************************

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Message 10 of 12
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adice=advice SHEESH!!!! ***************************************************

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Message 11 of 12
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Advice Please:)

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That is so simple. I give example You go to Wall Mart. Now you can buy from this store eggs and parts for car!!!
This time you need parts for the tractor!!! Are you going to buy this parts in Wall Mart?
Yes, it may be easy to control sale from one account. But special things people buy from special stores!!!
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