The first All Pinks Day on will be held on Tuesday, November 15 and the Canada Town Square was selected to host all of the Pinks so you all can get to know us a little better. To add some fun we will be playing a game throughout the day, so expect members from other boards to visit.
There will be different Pinks posting to this thread during the day. Each Pink will ask a few questions about the areas of eBay they are connected to and the first person who gives the correct answer to the question will receive a prize. (limit two prizes per person)
This thread will be reserved for the game only and no disruption of it will be permitted.
You can find the rules for this contest at the following link.
This thread will be unlocked the day of the game Tuesday November 15. We hope to see you all here.
I had to sneak back in here to post the answer to my last question!!
Alybubster, you are correct! Last week, eBay launched the Marketplace Research tool ( eBay Marketplace Research will help you understand overall listing, selling, and searching trends across the eBay site.
Congrats Alybubster! Thanks for joining us today on All Pinks Day - I had tons of fun!