Anything to be done about sellers who steal pics?

Community Member
I remember a while back a discussion about sellers who steal pics. I thought some of the ideas were great, such as changing the pic on your server, so that the seller who stole the pic would have a message there instead of the pic. But lately, a PS'er has stolen a pic of mine and clearly has saved it to his own computer, then used eBays pic system to upload it into his auction. Now, I dont really mind that he "stole" my idea, since I realize it means I had a good idea, and imitation is the sincerest form of flattery etc....but I dont want him to use my pic, while stealing my idea. 😉

Is there anywhere in eBay to report this? Or will they just ignore this? I have started by emailing the person, and asking them to remove it, and do thier own work. After all, ya never know....the guy MIGHT have SOME integrity left(hahahahaha).


Gem Am I

The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can't be organized or regulated. It isn't true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth. -Ram Dass

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Anything to be done about sellers who steal pics?

Community Member
Unless the person has done something that might affect Ebay financially, I believe they honestly don't give a damn my dear.

Message 2 of 22
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Anything to be done about sellers who steal pics?

You can try emailing eBay - you will need to provide auction #'s of your old auctions containing the image in question to prove it pre-dates the auction with the stolen image. Good luck, and don't hold your breath!

To prevent future theft, you can add your logo or user name to your images by using this neat little service:

Message 3 of 22
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Anything to be done about sellers who steal pics?

Community Member
Hi Jeff, weird....I did answer you but cant see it at all now. (I had said that "it figures...")

Anyway, thank you, and you too Zarzuella.

I will try emailing them. You never know.

Take care,

Gem Am I

The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can't be organized or regulated. It isn't true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth. -Ram Dass

Message 4 of 22
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Anything to be done about sellers who steal pics?

Community Member
I think I'm spending too much time on the .com board! As soon as you said "I have started by emailing the person, and asking them to remove it, and do thier own work.", I got nervous! Maybe it's paranoia but, IF eBay does do something about it, he's gonna know it was YOU who fingered him and he could end up messing with your auctions. I've gotten to the point where I'm scared stiff of any kind of confrontation, no matter how diplomatic it is.

Good luck on this and I agree with Ann - some kind of logo, or even your user name, on the pictures will prevent this.


Click here to go to my Store
Message 5 of 22
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Anything to be done about sellers who steal pics?

Community Member
Hi Glenda,

I normally do do that...but in this case I had used a patterned paper in the back to make it VERY clear that it was mine, as well as writing "back' and "front" on the pic. So, I didnt bother with my name on it as well.....(oh well, lesson learned!) Still, the guy used it. Anyway, I just went to show my boyfriend that this guy had stolen it, and I see that he has indeed changed it. Meantime, the email I had sent him through eBays system bounced back with a permanent error saying the account doesnt exist. Hmmmm.


Gem Am I

The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can't be organized or regulated. It isn't true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth. -Ram Dass

Message 6 of 22
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Anything to be done about sellers who steal pics?

Community Member
So report him for incorrect info - since your email bounced he can't contact you except thru Ebay.
Message 7 of 22
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Anything to be done about sellers who steal pics?

Community Member
We had the same problem with people stealing our pics, which is a bummer when you think you've come up with a great angle on an attention-grabbing pic. We spend a lot of time coming up with cool-looking photos. All of our pics now include, somewhere integral in the photo, a sign with our UserID name. It would take a lot of work for a thief to crop out the sign, and at the same time, provides us with a bit more "name exposure". Looks a lot more professional, too. Check out a few of our photos to see what I mean.
Hope this helps!
- Travis
Message 8 of 22
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Anything to be done about sellers who steal pics?

Community Member
Hi Travis,

That is what I normally do too...most of my auction pics get "Gem'n I Gemstonz" written so that it just touches the item. That way anyone who would steal it, would have at least a little of my name showing on the item. (at least I do this if I know others have the identical product).

In the case of this pic, since I put a patterned paper in the back, I thought it would act in the same way...since it would be identifiable as mine. Oh well, lesson learned!

Take care,


Gem Am I

The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can't be organized or regulated. It isn't true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth. -Ram Dass

Message 9 of 22
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Anything to be done about sellers who steal pics?

Community Member
I've got my user id stamped on all of my photos so that its easy to prove that these are my pics when someone steals them. I report them to Ebay with their user id, offending auction # and an auction # of my auctions that has the same photo. I use this link:

The ads usually get pulled within 2 business days. I've done this to another PSer who stole my photos. Their ads got pulled within 2 days.
Message 10 of 22
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Anything to be done about sellers who steal pics?

Community Member
Thanks mahsauction! I will keep that link for future use, just in case. Though I do plan on making sure my auction pics all get my name now.

Take care,


Gem Am I

The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can't be organized or regulated. It isn't true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth. -Ram Dass

Message 11 of 22
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Anything to be done about sellers who steal pics?

I don't use image hosting, just the eBay pic service. This time last year, hardly a month would go by without an image theft or two. In every case, I confronted, but appealed to their sense of community (i.e. "This kind of thing hurts all of us because it creates confusion and suspicion among buyers--they do pay attention to this sort of thing, you know"). In all cases, once confronted, the ripper ceased and desisted.

However, I just got tired of having to write those heartfelt, indignant appeals so I started using PhotoShop's layer transparency controls to superimpose a 'Doc' sig on any images that would be supersized (in my experience, no one will bother to rip a standard sized image because it's already heavily compressed and minimal rez, and looks even worse when they to upload it). Since then, zero, zilch, zip least none that I'm aware of.

And yes OP, although it is initially kind of flattering that someone would even want to use your photo/scan (and let's face it, most of these image swipers are less fraudulent than just plain lazy), I truly believe that by not calling them on it subtley diminishes the integrity of your own well as signals that it's "okay" for someone else to benefit from your hard(er) listing work.
Message 12 of 22
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Anything to be done about sellers who steal pics?

Community Member
Hi Doc_Scribe,

Last year someone ripped off one of my photos, and I emailed them to tell them that they would be confusing the customers into thinking they they were me, and vice versa. In THAT case though I had wholesaled the items in question to the guy who was doing it. After emailing him though, he changed photos, and hasbt used the same one again. I tend to agree...mostly they are just being lazy, and I dont think that some of them realize the confusion created for the customer when people have the same pic. There are exceptions of course...when I sold my camera, just about everyone selling the same model was using the photo from the Nikon website, so I doubt that would have created confusion. But, if someone had copied another seller template/words etc...that would be the same thing as stealing thier personal pic, and would have created the confusion.

Take care,


Gem Am I

The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can't be organized or regulated. It isn't true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth. -Ram Dass

Message 13 of 22
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Anything to be done about sellers who steal pics?

Hi's only taken me a week to get back.?:|

Anyhoo, have you noticed that eBay now has a contact webform option for this problem: 'Report a Policy Violation' > 'Copies Images/Text'? Possibly that reporting option been there for awhile, but I never noticed it before.

In any case, I still think the best solution is preventative through Seller branding.
Message 14 of 22
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Anything to be done about sellers who steal pics?

Community Member
I have had this happen 3 times. One I realized that they were reselling an item they purchased from me and no longer wanted. I had no problem with that.

The other 2 I emailed and both apologized though insinuated that I was being petty. Both changed the photo.
Message 15 of 22
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Anything to be done about sellers who steal pics?

Community Member
I dont think it is petty at all! If you spend the time and make the effort to make your photos good, why should they benefit from it? I am not in business to make money for my competitor, and feed thier kids...I am in business to feed my kids.

Also I was concerned with people mixing me up with the competitor....I didnt want for any customers who know my pics to think they were buying from me, (if they remembered the pic but not my name).

Thanks also Doc_scribe...I hadnt noticed that web form. I will keep it in mind...but will continue to put my name on most pics.

Take care,


Gem Am I

The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can't be organized or regulated. It isn't true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth. -Ram Dass

Message 16 of 22
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Anything to be done about sellers who steal pics?

I had someone who ripped off my complete listing....from the wording of the listing to the picture. I emailed them and nothing was done.

Seller need to get creative and designed their own page.
Message 17 of 22
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Anything to be done about sellers who steal pics?

There was recently a listing for some speakers where 4, yes FOUR sellers used the exact same pictures. As a buyer, that should kinda set off some flags.

Sometimes though it's as simple as e-mailing the seller. I confronted one guy who used my pictures (he didn't pull them off eBay though, he pulled them off my listing on another classified cookie that one) and he gladly pulled them before I reported him to eBay (which I did anyways, but he yanked the listing before they had a chance to do anything).

As for others, do the form. That's it. And maybe e-mail the high bidder if it's a high $$ item and let them know.
Message 18 of 22
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Anything to be done about sellers who steal pics?

Community Member
Yes, I will use the form if it happens again.

As for the 4 different sellers with identical pics.....I have seen that often enough when there is a suppplier site and they all use the suppliers pics. So, it may not neccessarily be cause for alarm. IE: All seller selling Nikon Cameras tend to use the pics off Nikons site.(From what I know of my own suppliers, they do it with Nikons agreement).

Also, it can be one person with 4 different eBay identities. (I have never quite understood why people would want more than 2 identities on eBay.) I would like to start a second one uip for my personal in my own garage sale stuff, compared with the new product that I sell. But anyway, I digress....


Gem Am I

The spiritual journey is individual, highly personal. It can't be organized or regulated. It isn't true that everyone should follow one path. Listen to your own truth. -Ram Dass

Message 19 of 22
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Anything to be done about sellers who steal pics?

Not applicable
A young 'un (new seller, and young... 20s maybe) decided to screen shot one of my hosted pics (so I could not alter the hosted pic).

What I did about it is considered illegal by eBay, so I cannot state it here. I have been pink-slapped for doing so. I reported the violation to eBay, who claimed that they saw no resemblance, but when I requested that they use a sighted person for the comparison, they pulled his listings. I had already claimed daily rental fees from him, and since he was in the same province, I could have easily filed in small claims court and won.
Message 20 of 22
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