I am not making an excuses however you have to look at 100 million in relation to the total budget. That would be like asking you what happened to $50 your wife spent a few years ago over a 3 or 4 year period.
$1 billion with HRDC I understand that to be something that the Finance Minister should have greater knowledge and understanding about but $100 million thats another matter.
Plus the $100 million was fully accounted for through fake invoices whereas the $1 billion (HRDC) is just totally missing with some evidence of monies going to defunct corporations ad individuals.
Sorry, in my books this is nothing more than the Lewinski/Clinton fiasco to bring down a government. We are content to go after the pennies but leave the losses of billions to be written off because we doent understand 'billions'.
Each government has pi$$ed away billions but nothing will be done to end that type of irresponsibility, it will just change hands from one friend of one government getting kickbacks to a different friend in the other government.
Face it, it is only natural. If you were running a government and were supported by a corporation that made widgits and the time came to give a contract for making widgits, would you give it to the company that supported the 'other' side in an election or the one that worked for you and that you trust?
If a law firm gave money and people to your campaign, would you turn legal files to the firms that supported the other party or the firm that supported your party?
Is that corruption or common sense?
Speaking of power and corruption, I remember learning when the environment friendly NDP were in power in Ontario and the leader had his limo driver drive his limo from Toronto to Ottawa to meet him here when he flew in as he preferred his own limo.
Cynical? your darn right. I think when the people start taking back power from the governments is when we will gain control of our lives and our finances.
Governments have continually taken more control of our ives. Take municipal politics as an example. Municipal politicians are simply to be the Board of Directors over city staff. It was intended to be a part-time position. But in sucessive years they have adopted more responibilities and with that, increases in pay and tax-free benefits.
Cities were charged with the responsibility for roads and sewers and parks, but as time progressed they got into into the arts, and sports and recreation, and into smoking bylaws, and pets and private lawn care etc etc.
Each government sucessively more control of our lives and with it, more money from us for doing it. When that flood gate stops, corruption will come to an end and not before.