06-18-2015 02:33 PM
06-18-2015 02:44 PM
In that article the sellers are able to see that buyers are being blocked by looking at their Buyers Requirements Activity log. When you look at your activity log a large amount of buyers have been blocked. Mine hasn't blocked any lately.
My accounts - Site Preferences - Buyer Requirements - Buyer Requirements Activity Log
06-18-2015 02:51 PM
The answer to which question?
06-18-2015 02:52 PM
Who's on first?
06-18-2015 03:15 PM
06-18-2015 07:36 PM
06-18-2015 07:38 PM
@mr.elmwood wrote:Where do babies come from?
mr. elmwood! I am shocked! Everyone knows the stork brings them and deposits them in a cabbage field!
06-18-2015 08:06 PM
@gifts_of_elegance wrote:
@pierrelebel wrote:Who's on first?
"Who" is!
The guy thinking about how to get home?