06-27-2013 11:11 PM
What should I do now. Its marked as shipped by no tracking number so I cant tell if it on its way. Any advice anyone.
06-27-2013 11:58 PM
If you bought them from the USA "Tracking" would cost you over $20.
And tracking is of no practical use to you. It just tells you that you don't have them yet, which you already know.
It will take 20 days for the parcel to reach you from the USA.
It will take 10 to 15 days for the item to reach you from Europe or Canada.
It will take 30 days for the item to reach you from Asia.
When that much time has passed without your item, contact the seller and ask for the shipping date and service. This may reassure you. If you still feel nervous, open an "Item Not Recieved " dispute. The seller will then either refund, prove delivery (and sometimes stuff gets mis-delivered) or Paypal will force him to refund.
You have up to 45 days to file a Dispute.
You have 60 days to leave feedback.
Oh. You can use Contact Seller on the listing to ask the shipping date and service at any time. You're covered. Don't panic.
06-27-2013 11:59 PM
Oops, missed the Not A Registered Seller part.
File the Item Not Received immediately. Explain that the seller is NARU. Paypal will reimburse you.
I should go to bed. I must be tired.
06-28-2013 04:44 PM
Maybe it depends on where you live whether tracking is an advantage or not.
My 1-1.5 lb. USPS FCMI packages from the US, with tracking, have cost 12-18.00. Sometimes my signature has been required.
Maybe it is something new with USPS.
Here is an example and explanation.