03-04-2016 04:07 PM
US$ listers who didn't convert right away may have been premature accounting for their gains. CAN$ .75+ and rising fast! Already up 10% from the low 6 weeks ago
03-04-2016 05:20 PM
Do not count your blessings ... Too early.
Many are still predicting a Canadian dollar as low as 59 cents US.
Now is the time to sit and wait.... The Canadian dollar can go UP ...or DOWN relative to the US dollar
03-11-2016 06:55 PM
up to .757 and the formerly doom and gloom "experts" are now declaring the bottom in now...after its already too late to do much about it. People don't look at history, when the pessimistic or optimimistic predictions get extreme the bottom or top has already been made
03-11-2016 11:01 PM
Who know where the dollar will go. My money's on the USD green back. History has always shown the USD better than the CDN , except for the short stint around 2011. I don't know if the CDN dollar will go down to $.59 on the USD.Wouldn't surprise me though. If I could have the talent to predict where the dollar was going to go, I wouldn't be here typing, I'll tell you that. I'm sticking with USD thank you very much. LOL
03-12-2016 12:22 AM
You must be a bit younger than me.
For most of the Fifties, I believe the Canadian dollar was around $1.05 USD. But I only got a dime a week as allowance, so that was pretty high finance.
03-12-2016 08:49 PM
welcome to the 21st century.
03-13-2016 12:05 AM
I had planned to hold my 50th birthday party on the moon. Or at least in the satellite Hilton hotel, like in 2001.
Still annoyed.
03-16-2016 07:17 PM