I brought several small packets destined for the United States, to our local post office this morning, which have always shipped for $6.45 in the past, and was informed that they are now shipping for $8.55!!
Nothing has changed with the packaging or the weight of the items I am shipping, so I have no clue as to why the increase in shipping costs?? The same item now ships for less if the recipient is in Canada, but it has never been that way in the past...
Apparently, the new price was introduced yesterday, while all the offices were closed for the Stat. Holiday.
Light Packets to a U.S. destination, are still shipping for $1.92 plus tax, but Small Packets shipping to any destination in the U.S. will now cost $8.55...
Anyone else encounter this one today, or is it a 'glitch' in the system with Canada Post?
Did I miss some advertisement indicating the increase as of November 12th, 2008??

"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome."