I've seen the title of this thread but never read it. HEHEHEHEHE :^O
Ok boys and girls. I think I have a winner here.
😉 Maybe not but it is rather shocking. It's about an eBay item and my personal mail delivery. I think the personal mail delivery is the winner myself though. LOL
I moved into a newly built house in 1995. It's not a new area of Mississauga. It's half new. One side of the subdivision has been there for many years, my side is new. For 2 MONTHS I get NO mail. ?:|
No credit card bills, no gas bills, no hydro bills, no tax bills, no bank cheques, none of my 10 magazine subscriptions etc etc. Only junk mail. WTF???? I had a Tupperware dealer send me a catalogue and she told me it got returned as no such address too. Say what???
I mailed an item from my then workplace to my home. I live there. I know it exists. My drivers licencse has the address on it to prove it. LOL The flipping letter gets returned to me: NO SUCH ADDRESS!!!
😮 WTF is going on here.
I get on the horn with CP and start shouting at them and unfortunately I have a potty mouth and used obscenities. LOL
😛 We have no control over that ma'am. Perhaps the sender addressed the items wrong. ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?????? I live there! I sent the letter to myself! I know my own flipping address you moron! I WANT A SUPERVISOR NOW!!!!!!!!! Repeat tale over and over and over all the way up the chain as far as I could go.
Good God almighty!! You'd think one of these brainless wonders would ponder why a non-existant address is getting all this mail. You'd think it would occur to them to check since they're getting so much stuff and maybe they're wrong and it does exist. Or maybe even that the city of Mississauga wouldn't tax a non-existant house. Noooooooooooo of course not!! sheesh Ok now I'm getting my mail.
But wait! There's more. I'm at 123 Joe Blow Street. There happens to be a 123 Bob Smith street not too far from me. I get their mail and they get mine. Plus many other addresses too for crying out loud. I'd deliver theirs to them, they'd deliver mine to me. Sometimes I'd just put it back in the mailbox for delivery. 6 FREAKING YEARS THIS WENT ON!!! Not every single piece went astray mind you but come on already!! Again, on the horn periodically to B and complain to them. Apparently it's the city of Mississauga's fault for putting 2 houses with the same number close to each other. Uh huh.
😐 And it had nothing to do with the fact that your idiot sub-contracter carrier CAN'T READ the street name??? Don't you people think literacy is an important quality when delivering the mail?
The ONLY reason it eventually got resolved is because I would hold the mail and call the supervisor to come pick it up personally so he would see it and acknowledge the error. If they don't see it themselves they don't believe it happened don't you know. They're supposed to put in an error report and fine the carrier for the error. Of course THAT never happened. Oh sorry ma'am we have no record of a strike applied against that particular carrier. GRRRRR
I had to take to calling the intended recipient and writing in big red letters on the envelope: Your item was delivered to this address instead of yours on this date. I told them to call this person at this number and complain too. They did. Still nothing happened. Same garbage different day. I'd then go back to holding the mail and calling the supervisor to hand him the misdelivered letter with the big red writing. He did not like that. LOL It finally got straightened out but holy moly!! I think it was cause they got really tired of hearing from me and making them look bad plus calling everybody up the ladder.
Oh that was so much fun!! Ok here's the eBay story.
Two weeks before Christmas last year I ship an item Expedited to Oshawa. Holy crow! It got there the next day.
The following week I sold an iPod to someone in Brampton. I did not have time during the holiday season to go bring it there and I don't allow people to pick up stuff. I had to mail it. I thought for sure it'd make it to Brampton the next day judging by the Oshawa experience.
ROFLMHO!!! Wishful thinking on my part.
6 days go by. No item delivered. Hmmmmmm Oh good! Look it got delivered on day 7. Took bloody long enough but great. Dummy that I am though, I did not get a signature.
😞 Customer emails. Where's my item please? Huh???
On the horn pronto with CP. Gotta wait 30 days for a trace. She told me to ask the customer in the meantime...............wait for it..............TO CHECK UNDER HER BBQ LID!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No I kid you not and the proof is in an earlier post where an item was actually placed for someone. That's where these guys put stuff. That is considered a secure safe drop spot to them. Can you believe that?????? Customer claims they've checked everywhere and no, no iPod.
Some postie got a lovely iPod Nano for Christmas and I had to go through numerous phone calls and emails and wait 5+ months to get a refund, minus the shipping of course because it was delivered according to them.
Unbelievable. Absolutely un-bloody-believable. :(