04-25-2014 02:36 PM
Just got the word from my local postie, although as we know there are likely many variations of this across the various post offices, and I may have misunderstood.
So here are two things, as I understand them, that will be different for me.
Remember I am a guy who uses stamps and the non-Canadian destination carbon forms today for Expediteds, Expresspost etc.
The $2 fee isn't for filling in the HS code, it is for typing in the stuff that we used to write on the carbon forms. If we show up at the PO with our trusty carbon form filled out the PO employee has to manually type all the stuff in off the form (including the HS code too) like the name, address, customs information etc . If I go to the CP customs site and fill out the online version of the old carbon form, I can print a page that also has one of those fancy black and white spotted boxes (scan codes) my kids phones read and the PO employee just scans that box to load the info which saves me the $2.
Something new is that for the countries requiring this we also have to include the phone number now. I had noticed that if one looks at the eBay order details page the phone number was on there now, not sure how long that was in place but I'm assuming it was done to support this new requirement too.
I believe the only countries we have to do this for to start are USA, Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Hungary, Portugal, but I may not have heard them all or there could be more....
It will be interesting to see what happens......
04-25-2014 03:02 PM
I'm not following yer "carbon form". I have never filled in anything except the old green sticker, then hand write my CN22, now I use Paypal shipping 100%. My paperwork seems to always say "no manifest required".
I "think" what I meant to say, way back, was, if the PO has to print anything off, besides postage, there will be a $2 charge, starting this fall.
Regardless, it is going to be a nightmare at the PO in Dec.
04-25-2014 03:02 PM
Thanks ricarmic, that's good of you to pass on that information!
04-25-2014 03:04 PM
BTW, do you have a link to the CP customs site?
04-25-2014 03:05 PM
The tariff code thing is part of a worldwide effort by the Universal Postal Union to improve the processing speed of International mail processing. Eventually all (or most) countries will participate by having detailed information collected and transmitted electronically so that customs can do away with the rows of officers sitting in front of conveyor belts trying to read labels as they pass by.
This is how commercial imports have been operating for many years, customs processing starts the moment the goods enter an "in bond" location and are cleared before they arrive in the destination country.
When I started commercial importing in the late 70's it took 24 - 48 hours to clear a shipment through Canadian Customs, by the late 80's that time was down to a few hours because everything was computerized. By the late 90's my shipments took only a few minutes to clear customs because the processing had already been done, sometimes before the shipments had even been loaded onto a plane in the originating country.
Half of the time it takes for an international package to be delivered it's just sitting in customs waiting to be processed. It will be great when this roadblock is mostly eliminated.
04-25-2014 03:17 PM
04-25-2014 03:19 PM
04-25-2014 04:00 PM
04-25-2014 04:13 PM
04-25-2014 04:49 PM
04-25-2014 05:53 PM
The new forms for Expedited US for International Parcel have a place where HS codes and of of the other information can be entered.
Sales reports on eBay have had telephone numbers for many years... sometimes it is missing.....
The cost at a local postal outlet is charged when the postal worker has to look up a code....
Have your codes ready for entry by the postal clerk and everything will be OK... with no extra charge....
04-25-2014 06:08 PM
04-25-2014 11:23 PM
Looks like you need a filled out form... complete... with codes and all of the other information....
This is new to everyone.... but to be charged for the first time some time in May.
Can one get a printout from Paypal when Paypal is used for postage?
04-26-2014 09:09 AM
I just tried it out using the online Form and it does not take much longer than filling out the old CN 22 by hand and if it speeds up the mail that would be great but it will be a wait and see. I can only imagine what a mess it is going to be at the PO come Christmas time for the casual user who does not know about it and has to pay another 2.00 on top of the PO high price. I know this is not CP idea but it is going to turn more people off against them.
04-26-2014 12:14 PM
I sincerely hope that no one will cough up this putative $2 charge by Canada Post for completing paperwork. If real, it's just another sleazy dodge by the robber barons at CP to generate revenue, like the fuel and mailing tube surcharges and the Light Packet.
04-26-2014 01:47 PM
04-27-2014 06:35 AM
It goes without saying that a shipper - certainly one running a business - should know how to complete the necessary paperwork. That's always been the case.
My point was, on no account should he cave in to yet another shameless money grab by Canada Post.
04-27-2014 09:23 AM
Hi Lukey.... you hit it exactly on the head, this is exactly what my local postie is very very concerned about.... given we're a "one postie shop" in a wee village, Christmas time will be a difficult time, all it will take is one person with a couple or so packages to cause a problem...I'm also glad to hear that filling it out didn't take much/any longer, that is good to hear too.....
04-27-2014 09:29 AM
I do get yer drift Tom. It is all inclusive pricing VS a la carte pricing. CP is being forced to implement and administer Customs requirements. I have two choices:
- sit at home, drinking coffee, in my jammies, printing out my paperwork
- Standing in line, which could be hours, and getting charged for the priveledge
They want us doing this at home. Kinda like buying a roll of stamps, applying them yerself at home, putting the mail in a mailbox.
04-27-2014 11:27 AM
- sit at home, drinking coffee, in my jammies.....
I somehow have a funny feeling you have Polar Bear images on your jammies.
C'mon Inuk, spill the beans, we need to know. .
Posting this while wearing my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles jammies.