CUPW strike

How is the CUPW rotating strikes affecting you as a seller? It has slowed my listings down and hope it will be all over soon!

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Re: CUPW strike

The rotating strikes were not a problem. The management lockout stopped me dead.

My Store is closed again.

Message 2 of 12
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Re: CUPW strike

Not for long.  Harper has a majority government now.

Message 3 of 12
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Re: CUPW strike

Community Member

That's true, I left it open simply cause i know or hope the bill or legislation goes thrue. They say that the legislation will instantly be adopted and put into effect once passed!

Message 4 of 12
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Re: CUPW strike

" legislation will instantly be adopted"


Unfortunately, it does NOT work that fast.


Last Wednesday, the Minister of Labour indicated she would give the required forty-eight hour notice to Parliament for the introductiuon of a back-to-work legislation.


The legislation is now scheduled to be introduced Monday afternoon at which time the Speaker will ask for anonymous consent from the House.  The NDP has already indicated they will refuse consent, forcing a debate of the legislation.


Once the Bill is eventually approved on a third reading, it goes to the Senate.


Once approved by the Senate, the Bill must be signed by the Governor General at which time it becomes law.


Then Canada Post may require a few days to resume normal operations.  A few more days will be required to clear the backlog. 😞

Message 5 of 12
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Re: CUPW strike

Hopefully, legislation will NOT be required and Canada Post and CUPW will reach an agreement this weekend with CUPW agreeing to have their members report to work on Monday pending ratification. 


If they do, I suspect part of the agreement would be subject to arbitration (wages and pension for future employees - a very sticky point on both sides).


That would be the best possible outcome for everyone.  

Message 6 of 12
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Re: CUPW strike

Community Member

NDP won't give consent! I don't think it matters when you have a majority governement. From what I understand the opposition doesn't have much of a say. It gets voted and majority rules. might be faster then you think!

Message 7 of 12
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Re: CUPW strike

"I don't think it matters..."


Unfortunately it does.  It creates a delay in the discussing and eventual passing of the legislation.

Message 8 of 12
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Re: CUPW strike

Community Member

Heh...  Pierre, an agreement will never happen.  The union is demanding unrealistic conditions, and CP Corporation is adamant and won't budge.

I was expecting back-to-work legislation to already be passed.  Even with the NDP's objection, our majority govt will pass the bill.  The Air Canada legislation took what...24 hours?  Raitt announced Wednesday that back-to-work legislation would be passed... what's taking so long???

Dennis C.
DC Informatique
Computer and Electronics technician
Message 9 of 12
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Re: CUPW strike

Did the NDP argue against legislation for the Air Canada strike?

Message 10 of 12
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Re: CUPW strike

It is pretty obvious CUPW has no intention to settle with Canada Post any time soon.


Here is the list of demonstrations scheduled for next week:

Message 11 of 12
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Re: CUPW strike

The following is a record of back-to-work legislation  enacted by Parliament  and how long it took to get the legislation passed.

Message 12 of 12
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