You bought.
EBay sent you a last estimated delivery date.
That date has passed.
First, can you contact the seller through the message with the delivery date?
If you can, ask her for the tracking number.
Don't worry if she doesn't give one.
You want a number or a refund. ONLY.
If she does not respond, if she offers a replacement*, or if the tracking number does not work, go to the Resolution Centre at the bottom of this page.
Open an Item Not Received Dispute.
The first suggestion is to contact the seller, which you have already done so skip that.
Ask eBay to step in and escalate to a Claim.
If the seller cannot prove delivery (not shipping ,delivery) you will be refunded.
Tracking is a Seller Protection that happens as a byproduct to give buyers the warm fuzzies.
All tracking tells you is that the shipment has or has not been delivered.
And you already know that.
If you are not home when the carrier (usually Canada Post) tries to deliver, you will be left a Notice that tells you where and when you can pick up the shipment
*That's a common scam.