Canada Post Free Shipping Offer of Oct./2004

Community Member
Does anyone remember this offer from about a year ago? Canada Post made a splashy offer of 'free shipping' and when I inquired, I believe the actual offer was a refund of 5% of shipments made using certain Canada Post methods and would apply for a period of 1 year from October, 2004 to October, 2005. I remember contacting someone at Canada Post at the time and getting some detailed information on this, but of course, now I can't seem to lay my hands on that information. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
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Canada Post Free Shipping Offer of Oct./2004

Community Member
Finally!!! I have heard back from Canada Post after a few e-mails back and forth. They claim that Canada Post is sending out cheques in December to everybody that signed up for this promotion last year and the cheque will be based on an average of what you spend on (ELIGIBLE) shipping charges each month. So I guess I won't believe the cheque is in the mail until I see it in my mailbox but at least I have hope now! LOL
Message 21 of 45
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Canada Post Free Shipping Offer of Oct./2004

hello all.
I have been working on this issue for weeks now.

I have been told by Canada Post that I would not receive my refund as I was not signed up correctly. I have my own client and agreement number, and I needed to be under a "ebay/canada post" master agreement number.
Funny thing is a Canada Post rep set me up and told me i was good to go. I started late, and in 7 months spent $12,000. with C/P, and I will fight for what is owed.

I urge all of you to bombard Canada Post with calls, clog their call center, and demand answers as to "when & how" you will receive your refund.
If you live in a large city go down to the c/p business office and state your case, upstairs, not at the counter, document everyone you talk with, and what was said.

I have a hard copy of the original sept.30/04 flyer in which this program was explained and announced.

I would be happy to fax it to anyone who needs it as proof the program was offered.

At the time it was offered the fine print said there was condition, and to "ask your rep for details", I myself have not found one rep who could answer even basic questions about this program, let alone know the rules.

I feel they will use this as a reason not to refund most powersellers who should be refunded.

WE NEED HELP FROM THE POWER AT EBAY, so contact them as well, so they can muscle Canada Post on our behalf.

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Canada Post Free Shipping Offer of Oct./2004

Community Member
I have been working on this as well, and experiencing the typical "bouncing ball" phenomenon, as it seems that anyone BUT the person you are talking to is responsible for the particular promo. Very frustrating, but I figure this will pay off eventually... Anyways there is one information I do have about this, is that eBay was told by CP to remove the promotion at a certain point, and they did not do it in a timely fashion, which is causing more trouble for CP. Thus, I certainly don't believe that eBay will take an active role in resolving this issue, they will probably send us back to CP. It is probably a better use of our time to continue putting our collective efforts to get answers directly from Canada Post...
Message 23 of 45
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Canada Post Free Shipping Offer of Oct./2004

Community Member
Got a phone call from a Lisa today (from Canada Post). She told me that everyone who signed up last year will be getting a check according to the rules of this promotion. Apparently, the checks will all be mailed out at the end of this week...

So I suggest that anyone who does receive the abovementionned check shares the joy with everyone. Let us know when you get it.

If no one has received anything by the end of next week, it will be my pleasure to give her a ring.

Message 24 of 45
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Canada Post Free Shipping Offer of Oct./2004

Community Member
Thank you for all the hard work you have done on this. I will let you know if I receive anything. I was unsuccessful with my repeated attempts to speak to someone at Canada Post who had any information on this.
Message 25 of 45
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Canada Post Free Shipping Offer of Oct./2004

No one will ever receive a check from Canada Post, as everyone was "signed-up" wrong.

Ebay will not help you, even though they are implicated.

I will be working on signing all of you up for a class action law suite.

The legal firm is based in Regina.SK., and just won the largest settlement in Canadian history 4 billion.

Please email me at: with the following info:
Name, Address, contact phone, Ebay ID, & how much you expected as a rebate(1-month free), you will be contacted.
Message 26 of 45
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Canada Post Free Shipping Offer of Oct./2004

So what's the latest on this? I'm guessing nobody received any cheques from Canada Post so is there a lawsuit going on?

Message 27 of 45
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Canada Post Free Shipping Offer of Oct./2004

Community Member
I have not received anything yet myself...

Is that class action valid for Quebec residents? I suppose not since we are "different" here...

Message 28 of 45
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Canada Post Free Shipping Offer of Oct./2004

Community Member
Does anybody have any update?

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Canada Post Free Shipping Offer of Oct./2004

Community Member
I hate to say "told you so" but I saw this screw-over coming when the offer was announced. Typical CP crap where no one has a clue about anything.

Seeing as eBay Canada has a part in this CP fiasco, I think it would be nice if one of the Pinks addressed this issue. But don't hold your breath.

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Canada Post Free Shipping Offer of Oct./2004

Do you mean a Venture One Card you get a 5 percent discount on shipping Expedited to the US and all Parcels in Canada.
Message 31 of 45
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Canada Post Free Shipping Offer of Oct./2004

Community Member
No, it's something else... you can read the whole thread for all the details.
Message 32 of 45
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Canada Post Free Shipping Offer of Oct./2004

Community Member
I had a phone # for a rep at CP that new about the program and told me that a cheque would be sent out in December to Power Sellers that had signed up for the offer but I never did get mine. I am leaving today for a trip but when I get back I'll look for the number and if I find it I'll post it, maybe a lot of calls to her desk will get something moving.
Message 33 of 45
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Canada Post Free Shipping Offer of Oct./2004

Community Member
Thought I would bump up this thread...

I was on the phone with a CP today for some other screw-up they needed to fix. Thought I'd ask about this PS one-month deal yet again for fun. After 15 minutes on hold, I was told again that my account was not signed up properly for the discount. I asked her how many people were "signed up" properly. She said she couldn't release that information. I laughed and told her that I was willing to bet it was zero. I asked her how I would know of the program rebate unless I was sent the information (which I still have). I also told her there was no mention of "signing up" for the discount anywhere on the form, merely the fact that PS'ers that use the EST for eligible shipments would accumulate the credit. She had no answer.

Message 34 of 45
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Canada Post Free Shipping Offer of Oct./2004

Community Member
I'll send an email to Carly -- General Manager of eBay Canada. She even helped me with an individual case with PayPal. Probably she can help. I think it would be better if some of other sellers do the same.

Message 35 of 45
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Canada Post Free Shipping Offer of Oct./2004

Hold onto your hats.

I just recieved a cheque at home from Canada Post for a rebate!!

Apparently no other information included. I haven't seen it myself yet. I will have to check against my records to see if the amount is reasonable based on my shipping.

Message 36 of 45
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Canada Post Free Shipping Offer of Oct./2004

Community Member
Got a cheque today and it's a lot more than I had expected...

Took them a while, but they seem to live up to their Word.

Hope everybody gets theis soon.

Happy customer here!

Message 37 of 45
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Canada Post Free Shipping Offer of Oct./2004

Community Member
WOW Surprise, Surprise! I hope we all do get one then!
Message 38 of 45
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Canada Post Free Shipping Offer of Oct./2004

Community Member
Got mine today too
Message 39 of 45
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Canada Post Free Shipping Offer of Oct./2004

Community Member
Got the rebate cheque too.

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