02-11-2013 08:34 AM
The following were confirmed.
If you have a listing on eBay and you can revise the listing to use Tracked Packet USA and International.
Update Turbolister and Tracked Packet, USA and International are available.
From previous information.
If you had Small Packet Surface USA as an option that is gone.....
Yesterday you had a shipping option.... Today all listings that had Small Packet Surface USA no longer have a shipping option to the US. That listing will NOT be shown on eBay.com.
Turbolister... An old listing with Small Packet Surface USA no longer shows a shipping option to the US.
When such a listing was accessed a warning box stated shipping options have been changed
Tracked Packet USA and International are a reality on eBay.
Now ... Is Tracked Packet a shipping option when eBay/Paypal shipping is used?
02-11-2013 09:04 AM
I checked earlier today & PayPal doesn't seem to offer tracked packet on their site yet
02-11-2013 09:29 AM
Can we still mail out packages by surface to States today?
02-11-2013 11:49 AM
I just checked the prices... The min. for size and weight tracked packet to the U.S. was around $16.00 and only includes the $100, with no option to add more. (but if you could you might as well be sending expedited anyway) International tracked packet, and I kid you not... over $44! There's got to be a few sellers who just had their business crushed today. Either that, or will now have to operate with a very high degree of risk.
02-11-2013 12:09 PM
Its an option...not required..but u risk the change..
Unless ebay enforces this shipping means...
It is the customer who paids in the end and us the sellers that suffer...
A high cost for 100 insurance and tracking...
looks like only in-country sales from now on...
There is NO Tracked Packet for Canada(small and light packet).( thats what they say)
If you want insurance on your bubble mailer go via EXP Parcel...
It is NOT available at the Postal outlet yet..as of the morning Feb 11 2013..
It...(tracked packet is available online and trackable..I heard...)
for USA and International...
02-11-2013 12:40 PM
Small Packet Surface to the US is gone.
No insurance for Small Packet world wide.... air and surface
Visited a postal outlet about two hours ago... Clerk checked on a dummy parcel and Tracked Packet was available.
For international parcels that require insurance... and tracking comes along .... the least cost option is
International Parcel Surface....
more expensive than Small Packet International Air.... but less costly than Tracked Packet International...
Tracked Packet is airmail to all destinations....
Tracked Packet International is also limited to about 20 countries.....
The four-week transition from January 14 is almost over ... today is February 11......
02-11-2013 12:43 PM
Since January 14 ...
Three US buyers have bought and paid a Tracked Packet rate... Parcel was shipped Expedited Parcel USA.
02-11-2013 12:45 PM
Tracked Packet is the same price for all of the US .,,, including Hawaii and Alaska.
Expedited Parcel has 7 price zones....
02-11-2013 01:09 PM
Eb, risk is perceived. The thinner your skin, the lower your tolerance, the more risky even getting out of bed is.
I have a very high risk tolerance. Odds are I will never use tracked packet as I do not believe in tracking or insurance. Both of those, pander to the insecure.
I am not passing along costs that the buyer does not want to pay anyway.
Tracked packet for $16.10 or airmail for $7.80. Lemme think which my customers would rather pay.
02-11-2013 01:10 PM
Just more moronic thinking on Canada Post's part. They figure that by continuing to screw the user, they will become more profitable. $6.00 to track a package, that is insane.
I sent small packet before and I will continue to send. It was a risk before and will continue to be a risk. If the buyer wants to pay the $6.00 for tracking so be it, if not, I will take the risk. The first time I have problems, ebay and Canada Post can kiss my Royal Canadian!!!!
02-11-2013 01:55 PM
Tracked packet for $16.10 or airmail for $7.80
depends on the value of the item in the parcel
With a value of $95...... $16.10 will look acceptable
02-11-2013 02:04 PM
Both Canada Post and USPS raised prices for international mail....
It is not ... Just... Canada Post doing this...
Many on the discussion boards on eBay.com have the same sentiments as many have expressed here...on eBay.ca
02-11-2013 05:15 PM
The Americans are belly-aching because for decades they've been paying about the lowest postage rates in the industrialized world. Now the USPS, in the deep doodoo financially, has had no alternative but to raise prices. Admittedly, International rates for packages under 500 g have taken a very big jump and some of them are now comparable to Canada Post rates and in some cases even higher.
However, for heavier weights up to 2 kg, USPS rates for First-Class Package International, equivalent to CP Small Packet Air, are way lower. Some examples (US rates in brackets):
UK (CP Zone 2) Australia (CP Zone 5) Ethiopia (CP Zone 10)
226 g (8 oz) 9.10 (12.75) 10.23 (12.75) 11.38 (12.15)
340 g (12 oz) 18.20 (14.90) 20.79 (14.90) 22.15 (14.30)
567 g (20 oz) 35.69 (18.60) 38.78 (18.60) 43.38 (18.20)
1134 g (40 oz) 44.66 (27.85) 50.61 (27.85) 55.61 (27.95)
1814 g (64 oz) 53.63 (38.95) 58.87 (38.95) 67.82 (39.65)