Canada Post USA Expedited Parcel

Hello Everyone!

Decided to finally try out Canada Post's Expedited Parcel Service to the US.

I have all the information that was sent to me except the Commercial Product Code I need to put on my manifest.

Does anyone know what it is?

Thank you in advance!

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Canada Post USA Expedited Parcel

Community Member
I think you may mean Harmonized code? I think they are really only picky about this if it is over $200.00 U.S. as then it is forwarded to PBB logistics (contracted broker that Canada Post uses) for clearing into the U.S.

The harmonized product code is a univeral coding system for just about every product you can imagine. It saves time for brokers and customs when they can just look at a number rather than a long drawn out description.

See if you can find your product at this search engine and if not, I'm sure you can do a google search and find the full list (it is HUGE).
Message 2 of 14
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Canada Post USA Expedited Parcel

Hi Discountlabelsupplies!

Thank you for your response!

No, I need the Product Code for the Canada Post Expedited Service to US for my manifest.

I know I have the option of using the on-line tools, but I just got used to filling out the manifest manually.

Message 3 of 14
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Canada Post USA Expedited Parcel

Community Member
I use the desktop electronic tools. I've never heard of the product code before. I better take a closer look!!
Message 4 of 14
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Canada Post USA Expedited Parcel

Community Member
You are writing the manifest out it sounds like correct
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Message 5 of 14
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Canada Post USA Expedited Parcel

Community Member
Product code Express Post USA = 1917
Product Code Expedited Parcel USA = 6470
Product Code Commercial Expedited Parcel USA = 6461

You only use the third one if you are using the online tools otherwise use "6470"


Message 6 of 14
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Canada Post USA Expedited Parcel

Community Member
Take the manifest to the Post Office and if unsure, the rep will fill it in....


Message 7 of 14
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Canada Post USA Expedited Parcel

Community Member
Alot of the CP counter reps dont know squat.

For the last 10 months I have been taking my goods in to different POs (they used to be picked up until they started charging me).

Each PO I get to I find myself explaining to the clerks how to finish filling out the forms and telling them which part they keep.

The more experienced ones often argue with me as to what forms I am supposed to use. I tell them that I fill out more of these in a year than they have taken from customers in 2-years so I know what I am doing more than they do.

Even CPs own people at their postal offices all handle things differently and dont know much.

There was only one Shopper's Drug Mart store with a young but well-Postal experienced girl who knew her stuff. She is the only one I know that had a copy of the product codes. She photocopied it for me so that I would have my own copy.

If you leave the manifest blank or simply write in "Expedited" there is a 50% chance CP will charge you for Express Post, regardess how it was shipped. I had that happen with at least 10 items that I shipped.

Same thing for weight. CP tells you that they will do cubic weight at their main plant but if NO weight is recorded on the manifest, 80% of the time you will be charged at the 30kg rate.

I have had that happen with at least 20 items I have shipped over the last year.


Message 8 of 14
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Canada Post USA Expedited Parcel

Community Member
I guess you are right. I just go to the same rural Post Office every trip and the girls there are great.... seem to know their stuff, but also have alot of common sense and when the manual says that sky isn't blue, they interpret otherwise.

I have to say, if every postal outlet were staffed with people like these girls, CP would probably be looked upon in a different light from their customers.

I have been to a couple of the other postal outlets in our area, and do know what you are talking about. Many of these people don't know squat, but don't even know enough to know they don't know squat.

On an aside, I use to be the Treasure on a local Girl hockey Association. We had a postal box that came up for annual renewal. The President of the Association went in and paid the fees for the renewal of the box, got a receipt, but the paperwork was never completed properly and subsequently the local outlet closed the box and started returning all of the mail. As a result entry forms and monies for a local tournament the Association was planning were returned as undeliveable and the Tournament collapsed as no enteries were received.

The best the Postal Outlet would do to come due on their error was to extend the 12 month rental on the box.....

Message 9 of 14
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Canada Post USA Expedited Parcel

Community Member
Fact remains, whatever is run by the government, it is run-down.

Poorly trained staff, bad management at the top, highly unionized because of bad senior management.

From hospitals, to post office to public transit. They all loose money, they all need more money and they are all run inefficiently.

Its just frustrating when you have been using the same forms for 2-years and you go into a different post office and the person there says "Oh you are using the wrong forms to send that to the US" "I am sorry I cant take that with that manifest you have been using, you will have to call your rep and get a different one!"

Excuse me (you neandrathal) dear postal clerk. For 2-years I have been using these forms making 2-3 trips per week to the Post Office to mail items into the US. I have been to 35 different post offices in this city including this (dirty disgusting) PO last week at least twice and you (lazy bum) are the only one who said I am using the wrong forms. The very forms my (useless) postal rep gave me. The very form that YOU (you forgetful piece of camel poo) took from me last week and the week before! The very forms that the post ofice literature tells me I am to use (in both official languages, neither of which you can undrestand) and yet you, all alone, standing behind that counter in your pretty (disgusting) Post Ofice blue and white striped shirt (next time get XXXXL) have the gall to tell me that I am using the wrong form and you WONT allow me to ship the product?

"Well, I dont recal the form looking like that, I am pretty certain that it is different than the one you have there, I am almost completely sure about it".

Take my package and the form dear sweet (over paid) postal clerk (jerk), stamp it, sign it, date it, put the weight in and give me a copy. If it is the wrong form then I can expect to get all my items back. Just dont worry your pretty (thick) head about it (you moron!).


Message 10 of 14
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Canada Post USA Expedited Parcel

Community Member
Malcolm, Malcolm..... cool down ole buddy...... Life is too short......


PS - I get the point!
Message 11 of 14
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Canada Post USA Expedited Parcel

Can I ask what you guys are talking about? I ship US Expedited parcel often these days and I never need any CPC code or manifest thing. All items are under $200 US though.
Message 12 of 14
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Canada Post USA Expedited Parcel

Community Member
Some manifest forms dont have the 4-pre-printed Product Type boxes on them. They are simply blank. If you leave them blank, Canada Post will automatically charge you the Express Post rate even if you shipped via Expedited, had all your doc Expedited and hand-wrote the words Expedited into the little box.

I know this for fact as they did this to me on 2 ocassions when I used one of those manifests and didnt have the CP code.

Manifests are used as a billing tool. I drop off my items at the post office (over $200 in value and under $200 in value) and leave with a signed, stamped manifest copy and get billed several weeks later based on what I shipped and the method I shipped.

One manifest is prepared for all Cdn shipments and one manifest is prepared for all US shipments.

I compare the manifest to my CP invoice to determine if CP have overcharged me for serveices provided compared to those requested.

Message 13 of 14
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Canada Post USA Expedited Parcel

No wonder why. I've never used the online billing tool before 🙂
Message 14 of 14
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