Canada Post rates different from place to place The reason read this !!!

Community Member
Ok it's very easy

I have read over and over how sellers are ticked about being over charged by Canada Post

The only truth I can find in this is . The outlets get a small % ( 4% of value )of each sale made with Canada Post .

Over Charge

Larger %

Auction Drop N Ship
Drop It, Sell It, Ship It

Canada's Ebay Drop Off Store
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Canada Post rates different from place to place The reason read this !!!

I don't think it's that simple OP. The substations have been fantastic to me--especially those that see me on a regular basis. The only times I've been subjected to pokey, by-the-books service or rate searches that seemed to zero in on the most expensive shipping options...were those 100% CP owned union staffed stations.
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Canada Post rates different from place to place The reason read this !!!

Community Member
You didn't know that?!? How else could an outlet make money and for what reason would they do it? - Money
Message 3 of 10
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Canada Post rates different from place to place The reason read this !!!

Community Member
I don't it's that malicious.

I used to work in a retail store which had a postal outlet. The main problem is that the postal outlets are operated and staffed by the store (ex. Shoppers Drug Mart, Home Hardware etc.) and not Canada Post.

The employees are given minimal training. Their only real contact with CP is a "help-line" they can call and a weekly or bi-weekly newsletter. There is little or no supervision at the outlet level for day-to-day operations from CP or the store (the store management typically has no idea how the postal outlet operates). So essentially, your outlet's "know-how" is only as good as the staff working there. Now, for $8.50/hour you can expect a lot of these outlets to be staffed with at least some individuals that may not be the sharpest knives in the drawer.

At lot of the "cubing" of small packets happened when CP sent out a memo in their newsletter reminding outlets to cube large parcels. A lot of outlet employees read this as "make sure you cube ALL parcels". CP should have been more specific noting that certain services require cubing and others don't.

The same can be said about CP owned outlets. The employess working the outlet may be CP employees but I'm sure they get the same "training" and newsletters as the outlets.

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Canada Post rates different from place to place The reason read this !!!

Hahahaha, Lincoln. $8.50 an hour == non-sharp knives? 😉 How much are you making an hour on eBay? Hahahaha. I don't actually calculate it, but I would suspect my hourly "wage" for running my own business part time is less than that. Darn me and my dull knife.


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Canada Post rates different from place to place The reason read this !!!

Community Member
I'm sure it's less than $8.50 but this is just icing - not my day job.

Wasn't meant as a put-down. Just saying that some of the clerks at some of the outlets aren't the brightest people in the world. Same can be said for any establishment regardless of wage.
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Canada Post rates different from place to place The reason read this !!!

Community Member
When sellers ship the IDENTICAL BOX- say an 8" by 8" CUBE- with IDENTICAL items in the box- DO YOU GET DIFFERENT RATES- at a different Post Office, or depending on which clerk serves you?

Measuring accurately is likely where the difference come from.
Far too many clerks have no idea how to measure properly.

Do you notice how Canada Post can only enter METRIC SIZES into their computer- though Canada POST ONLINE for home use permits both INCHES AND CENTIMETRES.
Message 7 of 10
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Canada Post rates different from place to place The reason read this !!!

The clerks at those postal outlets making minimum wages are WAY NICER than those expensive A-hole union workers 100% owned and operated by Canada Post.

They acted like they are doing me a favor when i am paying lot of bucks to support them, with a "you don't like it? Take a hike! See if we care" attitude 😞
Message 8 of 10
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Canada Post rates different from place to place The reason read this !!!

I spend $1,500 with CP a month. My usual daily payment is approx $50-$60 sometimes less sometimes more. I started going to CP owned outlet. Very knowledgeable lady, but when I asked for few labels and CN22 forms, she told me to order them from CanadaPost and that she is on the budget and she is not my supplier.

I agree, she is not my supplier, but she could have it worded more politely. The dealers always give me bunch when I ask. Plus she has to attach those labels and give me free CN22 form anyway when I walk-in to send a parcel.

Why do retail stores do it? Did you notice the postal outlet is ALWAYS on the opposite corner of the store as the entrance? They don't do it for 4%, they do it for traffic 🙂
Message 9 of 10
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Canada Post rates different from place to place The reason read this !!!

I don't actually calculate it, but I would suspect my hourly "wage" for running my own business part time is less than that. Darn me and my dull knife.

Some people STILL don't get that vesivus.
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